
Shopping in Boulder at Table Mesa This Weekend

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos joined the leaders of Apple, Facebook, and Google on July 29 to testify before Congress on antitrust issues. For Bezos, how Amazon competes with its third-party selling business comprised quite a bit of the questioning. Bezos maintained that Amazon elevates small business owners like its third-party sellers. But some Amazon sellers don't agree. Amazon did not respond to a request for comment for this story. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

When Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos testified with three other tech leaders on July 29 on antitrust issues, many of those who make their livelihood on Amazon's retail marketplace tuned in.

There are approximately 1.7 million third-party sellers on Amazon, according to Bezos, and more than 200,000 of them generated more than $100,000 in sales last year. They comprise 60% of product sales on Amazon — collectively beating the retailer at its own game. 

Some of those merchants, along with those who oversee online seller communities or provide consulting work to sellers, told Business Insider they weren't happy with how Bezos talked about sellers during the hearing.

Bezos stressed that Amazon's retail dominance is partially thanks to these third-party sellers. He also referred in his opening remarks to everyday folks who have benefitted from Amazon's marketplace, like Sherri Yukel, a mother and aristan who now employs 80 people to run her Amazon-based business. 

He said these small business owners succeed thanks to Amazon's focus on "supporting sellers and giving them the best tools we could invent." That claim that Amazon is dedicated to supporting sellers is what rubbed some merchants the wrong way.

The animosity between Amazon and some of its sellers goes back years

Paul Rafelson — a tax law attorney and chairman of the Online Merchants Guild, a trade association — said sellers in his online communities were displeased when Bezos emphasized Amazon's support of small businesses on its marketplace throughout the hearing. "People were sick to their stomach with his fake sincerity," Rafleson said.

The animosity may seem unwarranted at first brush. But for years, merchants have pushed back on several challenges of selling on Amazon.

Some of the most contentious points include the lack of communication when Amazon suspends a seller account and Amazon re-producing what other brands and manufacturers are already selling. Both can cost a business dearly.

Scott Needham, an Amazon merchant with $50 million a year in sales and host of "The Smartest Amazon Seller" podcast, is one seller who has struggled with Amazon's account suspension system. His company BuyBoxer has been suspended twice in recent years; one suspension in May slashed his sales by about 90% in just one day.

There are approximately 1.7 million third-party sellers on Amazon. Ruobing Su/Business Insider

In both instances, Amazon did not communicate with BuyBoxer on why it was suspended until several days after, costing the company tens of thousands of dollars in sales.

"There are certain things where I think, 'How does a trillion dollar company not solve certain parts of this puzzle?'" Needham said. "There are many legitimate businesses on Amazon, just mom-and-pops, tens of thousands that rely on them. They just under-invest in keeping those sellers up and running."

"There are all these stories of ways that Amazon has basically ruined seller's lives," Rafelson previously told Business Insider. "One strong suspension or misunderstanding can destroy a seller's business."

Lawmakers drilled down on how Amazon competes with its own merchants

Some merchants pay big money to ex-Amazon executives for the secret sauce in getting ahead on the massive marketplace — but sometimes Amazon itself beats the little guys out.

Sellers have stated for years that Amazon will sometimes duplicate items from their own catalog that perform well on the website. The retailer has access into the data on third-party sales, and some say they do not use that data in good faith. Jeff Peterson told The Wall Street Journal in 2012, for instance, that his $30 stuffed-animal pillows once sold gangbusters on Amazon — until Amazon started selling its own animal pillows for $12 apiece. 

State Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington state, who represents parts of Seattle, was keen on asking Bezos how his employees use third-party sales data. "The issue that we're concerned with here is very simple," Jayapal said. "You have access to data that far exceeds the sellers on your platforms with whom you compete."

Bezos did not provide a clear answer on how that data is used. "What I can tell you is we have a policy against using seller-specific data to aid our private-label business," the CEO said. "But I can't guarantee you that policy has never been violated."

"There are certain things where I think, 'How does a trillion dollar company not solve certain parts of this puzzle?'" one Amazon seller said. Hollis Johnson/Business Insider

Another way in which sellers must compete against Amazon is in the retailer's search function. Getting on the first place or on the first row when a consumer searches, say, "iPhone case" is the target of many sellers. But, as The Wall Street Journal's Dana Mattiloi reported last year, Amazon usually claims the first spot for its own line of products. 

"I find it very troubling when you search for something, and the second row down will be brands from Amazon," Needham said. "I know sellers who would kill for that spot."

He added, "The fact that they give it to themselves — I do not know how (Bezos) can be up there in front of Congress and say that everything is equal."

Some say there's bigger fish to fry yet

While sellers were happy to see their long-emphasized problems reach the House Judiciary subcommittee, they say it's unclear how lawmakers can do much more besides make Bezos sweat.

Amazon seller consultant James Thomson, who was previously a senior manager at the mega-retailer, said the issues raised in the hearing may cast Amazon as an unfair competitor — but not necessarily one that acted unlawfully.

After all, sellers consent to giving Amazon their sales data. It may leave a bad taste in someone's mouth, but it's not illegal. 

"This is a situation where there are a lot of people who don't like Amazon, or think Amazon is unfair, immoral, or not nice," Thomson told Business Insider. 

Some of America's most powerful men testified on their companies' competitive strategies on July 29. Mandel Ngan/AFP/Pool/Getty Images

Thomson added, "Is it fair? I'll let someone else decide that, but fairness has nothing to do with it. Do we have laws that know how to properly address companies this big? At this point, I don't think the laws have kept up adequately."

That viewpoint is echoed by Jason Boyce, who sold on Amazon for nearly 17 years and now consults third-party merchants on how to succeed on the platform. Boyce said Amazon needs to be broken up, but the United States' current laws don't provide a path for that. 

"I'm honestly both disgusted by the behavior of these big companies, while simultaneously understanding why they do the things they do to capture more market share and squash competition," Boyce, the co-author of the forthcoming book "The Amazon Jungle," told Business Insider. "It's part of their DNA."

Original author: Rachel Premack

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Path of Exile sees 17% increase in player hours in 2020

SpaceX is developing a fully reusable rocket system called Starship-Super Heavy in Boca Chica, Texas.Before the vehicle can fly to orbit, though, the aerospace company needs to prove the system's core design works.To that end, founder Elon Musk tweeted on Thursday that SpaceX's latest Starship prototype, called SN5, completed a test-firing and could soon perform an experimental "hop" hundreds of feet into the air.Musk did not provide specifics on the test launch's timing, but a Federal Aviation Administration notice suggests SpaceX could attempt the flight as soon as Sunday.  Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Anyone who said grain silos can't fly may be in for a surprise on Sunday.

SpaceX, the aerospace company founded by Elon Musk, is fervently working to develop a potentially revolutionary rocket system called Starship in Boca Chica, a relatively remote region in southeastern Texas that sits on the Gulf of Mexico. If Starship and its Super Heavy rocket booster end up being fully reusable, Musk has said, the system may reduce the cost of launching anything to space by about 1,000-fold.

But first, SpaceX has to see if its core designs for Starship works. To that end, the company is moving briskly to build, test, and launch prototypes. According to a tweet from Musk, the first such full-scale example may soon fly from a beachside launch site to nearly 500 feet (150 meters) in the air.

To tee up that imminent test flight, SpaceX on Thursday test-fired its latest Starship prototype, called SN5 (short for "serial number 5") — and apparently with success. "Starship SN5 just completed full duration static fire," Musk said on Twitter.

Musk added that the vehicle would "hop soon," and though he did not immediately clarify when that meant, a notice to airmen, or NOTAM, posted on Thursday suggests SN5 could fly between 9 a.m. ET and 11 p.m. ET on Sunday. (For safety reasons, SpaceX is required to file such notices with the FAA before launching rockets.)

SpaceX had hoped to attempt a flight last week, but Hurricane Hanna not only prevented SN5's testing, but also apparently damaged a component that had to be fixed, Musk said.

A prototype of SpaceX's Starship, called Mk 1, rocket is seen at the company's South Texas launch facility in Boca Chica on September 28, 2019. Future versions of Starship are designed to be massive enough to take people to the moon, Mars, and beyond. Loren Elliott/Getty Images

SN5 is the latest of several full-scale Starship prototypes that SpaceX has built in Texas. The previous versions have either crumpled during tests or, as was the case on May 29, catastrophically exploded.

Each failure has taught SpaceX valuable lessons to inform design and material changes — tweaks that Musk says are already being worked into SN6, SN7, and SN8 prototypes, which are in various stages of assembly within the company's expanding and bustling work yards in South Texas.

The steel vehicles don't have wing-like canards or nosecones attached in case something goes wrong in their earliest phases of testing, so they look more like flying fuel tanks or grain silos than rocket ships.

However, as last year's test launch of an early Starship prototype called Starhopper showed, the flights of such crude experimental vehicles (shown above) can easily impress: On August 27, Starhopper soared about 492 feet (150 meters) into the air, translated across a launch site, and landed on a nearby concrete pad.

SpaceX has an FAA launch license to send Starship prototypes on a "suborbital trajectory," meaning the experimental rocket ships could reach dozens of miles above Earth before returning and landing. However, it's uncertain if SpaceX plans to launch SN5 on such an ambitious flight path if it survives the pending 150-meter "hop" flight.

The company couldn't attempt more ambitious flights until late August at the soonest, though.

An illustration of SpaceX's Starship spaceship and Super Heavy rocket booster launching together toward space from Earth. SpaceX

On July 23, SpaceX asked the FCC for permission to use communicate with prototypes flying as high as 12.4 miles (20 kilometers) within the next seven months. The earliest date noted on the request, which is still pending, is August 18.

Nevertheless, SpaceX is pursuing a launch license for full-scale, orbital-class Starship-Super Heavy vehicles, part of which includes a new environmental review of its Boca Chica site.

Musk hopes Starship will launch a cargo mission to Mars in 2022, send a private crew around the moon in 2023, return NASA astronauts to the lunar surface in 2024, and even begin sending people to Mars the same year.

Have a story or inside information to share about the spaceflight industry? Send Dave Mosher an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or a Twitter direct message at @davemosher. More secure communication options are listed here.

This story has been updated with new information. It was originally published on July 21, 2020.

Original author: Dave Mosher

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SoftBank Vision Fund 2 invests $160M in media localization provider Iyuno-SDI Group

Apple CEO Tim Cook said the company would extend its work-from-home policy for US workers until early 2021, per a Bloomberg report.If that timeline were to be extended further, it would depend on "the success with a vaccine, success with therapeutics," and other conditions, Cook said.The smartphone maker joins fellow tech titan Google in extending its remote-work policy — Google CEO Sundar Pichai told employees on Monday that they should expect to work from home through at least June 30, 2021.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said the company's employees can continue working from home until early 2021.

Cook laid out the company's plans to extend its work-from-home policy in a Thursday interview with Bloomberg. 

"To go beyond that, it would depend on the success with a vaccine, success with therapeutics," and other factors, Cook told the outlet. The CEO also compared office reopening plans to the company's strategy in reopening its retail stores. He said the "accordion" process would allow the company to reopen and reclose offices as needed depending on updated data.

In late May, Apple reportedly began asking employees to start returning to work that month and through June, with even more expected to go back into the office in July.

Cook's comment comes days after news surfaced of Google's intention to extend its work-from-home policy until summer 2021. Neither companies has gone as far as Square and Twitter, which both announced they're allowing employees to work remotely on a permanent basis if they choose.

Original author: Katie Canales

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I’m Glad Discord Isn’t Being Acquired

The creators of a short-form video app called Triller filed a lawsuit Wednsday against TikTok and its parent company, ByteDance.In the lawsuit, Triller alleges TikTok is infringing on its patent, approved in 2017, for the video-editing, sountrack-adding software made notable by TikTok.TikTok currently faces an uncertain future in the US, as the Trump administration weighs banning the app due to its ties to China. TikTok's US users and creators have started planning for a future without the app, and some popular TikTok influencers recently moved to Triller.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

The short-form video app Triller is suing the company behind the social-media juggernaut TikTok, alleging that the viral app is pirating Triller's patented technology to use audio tracks to edit multiple videos together. 

Triller claims that it had patented the video format back in 2017 that has been made famous by TikTok, and that the app as it stands today continues to violate Triller's US trademark. Lawyers representing Triller are asking for damages, as well as the court to file an injunction against ByteDance, TikTok's parent company, to prevent further alleged infringement of Triller's patent.

The patent infringement complaint, first reported by The Wrap, was filed Wednesday in US District Court for the Western Division of Texas. Although ByteDance is located in China, TikTok operates globally and maintains offices in Austin, Texas.

The patent Triller is referencing was filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office back in 2015, the year Triller was founded. The patent, approved in 2017, covers "systems and methods for creating music videos synchronized with an audio track." 

A drawing of the patent filed with the US PTO. Google Patents

In a statement provided to Business Insider, Triller CEO Mike Lu claims TikTok paid some creators to "actually not post on Triller," a move he called "neither ethical nor legal." Lu also said Triller plans to add an alleged antitrust violation to the complaint.

"If every 200B company could just pay their customers to not join a startup competitor, entrepreneurship in America would die and no new companies could ever exist," Lu said in the statement.

Representatives for TikTok did not immediately return Business Insider's request for comment. A representative for Triller said TikTok has not yet responded to the lawsuit.

The lawsuit comes as TikTok faces increased scrutiny around its ties to China, and the amount of access and influence the foreign government has over user data and content moderation. Just earlier this month, President Donald Trump publicly said he's considering banning the app in the US due to these concerns.

TikTok has been a dominant force in the short-form video-sharing space and has amassed more than 2 billion downloads globally. But TikTok's uncertain future in the US has already led creators and users to panic. In recent weeks, tech companies have taken advantage of the chaos to lure the app's loyal US following — estimated around 80 million strong — to their rival platforms.

Triller is among those competing apps that have already seen user interest and download numbers spike. Just earlier this week, Triller got a boost when a group of prominent TikTok stars with a combined following of nearly 50 million followers announced they were taking their talents to the rival Los Angeles-based app. One of the TikTok influencers, Josh Richards, told the Los Angeles Times he was migrating to Triller "given my responsibility to protect and lead my followers and other influencers" after hearing the US government voice concerns about TikTok's ties to China.

Triller was founded back in 2015 as a music video-editing tool. The app reports around 64 million active users a month. According to figures provided to the Times by app-analytics firm Sensor Tower, Triller has just 130 million downloads compared with TikTok's 2.3 billion globally.

However, TikTok's roots can be traced back to 2014, when short-form video-making app Musical.ly was founded in the US. The app hit to the No. 1 spot in the US App Store in the summer of 2015, and was purchased by ByteDance in late 2017 in a deal valued at $1 billion. ByteDance shut down Musical.ly a year later, merging it into the TikTok platform in markets outside of China.

You can view Triller's lawsuit in full below:


Original author: Rachel E. Greenspan and Paige Leskin

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Dear Sophie: How can I get my startup off the ground and visit the US?

Many people in the tech industry are choosing to move to Canada over the US because of the US' restrictive immigration laws.Since 2013, Toronto has added more tech jobs than any other place in North America, including Silicon Valley.25% of Canada's overall workforce are immigrants, and in the tech space that number is even higher — 40%.View more episodes of Business Insider Today on Facebook.

Silicon Valley's reputation as the world's leading tech hub could be in jeopardy because of the United States' restrictive immigration laws.

Tens of thousands of immigrant tech workers have flocked to Toronto in the past few years, making it the fastest growing tech hub in North America.

Many of them are deliberately avoiding the US as the Trump administration clamps down on immigration. In June, President Donald Trump temporarily suspended visas known as H-1B visas, which are awarded to thousands of skilled immigrant workers each year.

The visa suspension is prompting some immigrants, like former Silicon Valley product manager Asim Fayaz, to move north to Canada. 

"There is a whole world out there, and you are probably better off going somewhere else because you'd be treated more human," said Fayaz, a Pakistani immigrant who now runs an online restaurant business in Toronto. "You don't need to be, like, pleading for your existence all the time."

Every year, the US government reserves 85,000 H-1B visas for skilled foreign professionals — people like Elon Musk, who was born in South Africa and started companies such as Tesla and SpaceX in the US.

Fayaz came to the US to attend the University of California, and landed a job after graduating with a master's degree in 2016. As an immigrant, trying to find work in the US was tough — he needed an American employer to not just hire him, but also sponsor his H-1B work visa.

Asim Fayaz, an immigrant from Pakistan, moved to Toronto from California over fears about his immigration status. He now runs an online restaurant business. Nicky Young for Business Insider Today

This year, immigration laws suddenly changed as Trump suspended the program, citing "an unusual threat to the employment of American workers" during the coronavirus pandemic. The move left thousands in limbo.

But while the US is closing doors, Canada has been rolling out the welcome mat. Since 2013, the number of tech jobs in Toronto has skyrocketed from about 148,000 to 228,000, an increase of 54%.

"We have over 100,000 people immigrate to the Toronto region each year, which is twice as many as San Francisco Bay Area," Jason Goldlist, cofounder of TechToronto, said. And we don't just attract the quantity. It's also quality because a fifth of these immigrants already have a STEM degree before they even arrive here.

Canadian e-commerce giant Shopify is trying to capitalize on the opportunity. Following Trump's announcement, CEO Tobias Lutke — himself an immigrant from Germany — tweeted, "If this affects your plans consider coming to Canada instead."

Sandeep Anand, the company's senior mobility lead, echoed Lutke's call for talent: "Whether they're already in Canada, whether they're globally present, we're looking to really expand our diverse workforce. And in some cases it does mean that we would need to relocate and provide immigration support, which we're happy to do," she told Business Insider Today.

According to a 2016 study, 25% of Canada's workforce are immigrants. And in the tech space, that number is even higher — 40%, or 350,000 workers.

The legal status of thousands of immigrants was thrown into peril when President Donald Trump temporarily suspended the issuing of H-1B visas in June, citing the coronavirus pandemic. Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images And there's still room for more, says Ilya Brotzky, the founder & CEO of VanHack, a Canadian firm that helps place global talent in tech jobs across North America. Brotzky cited Canada's 3% unemployment rate in the tech sector, well below its overall unemployment rate. 

"It's not like there's a bunch of Canadians waiting to take these jobs," Brotzky said. "The unemployment rate is really, really low. We can't find the people."

Brotzky argues it makes economic sense for US companies to open offices in Canada, as well.

"You have these people that can basically work in the same time zone, quick flight from you, really easy laws, super fast to set up, and you have the benefit of Canadian dollar salaries," he told Business Insider Today. "But more importantly, you have access to the global talent pool. So you can bring in any developer from around the world that's good."

That's why Canada is trying to attract highly skilled foreign professionals through visa programs like the Global Talent Stream, launched in 2017. Immigration experts say it is like the H-1B program, but a lot better. 

"It's a very fast processing time. It takes anywhere from roughly around two weeks to complete the first stage. And then the second stage, which is the work permit stage. It takes another two weeks. So you could be in Canada as quickly as a month," Blayne Kumar, founder of the immigration services company Bright Immigration, said.

The tech scene in Toronto is growing faster than in any other city in North America. JHVEPhoto/Shutterstock

For Fayaz, the decision to move from the US to Canada came after he was laid off from his Silicon Valley company, when he and his wife became fed up with constantly worrying about their legal status.

"It's not even like in 10 years, I will get it," he said. "It's like maybe, maybe not. Who knows, who cares. We don't need you in this country."

And the recent suspension of the H-1B visa program only confirmed his worst fears.

"You know that scene in movies where the actor is leaving the scene and the world is blowing up behind you, right? I feel like that — that I kind of managed to exit the scene somehow, magically," he said. "And I look back and the US is just blowing up."

"So many of my friends, people that I worked with, went to school with, they're all impacted. And whenever I get a phone call, I just feel so sorry for all those people."

Original author: Havovi Cooper and Dylan Bank

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10 Entrepreneurs Who Bootstrapped to Millions in Revenue - Sramana Mitra

Atlassian today announced that it has acquired Mindville, a Jira-centric enterprise asset management firm based in Sweden. Mindville’s more than 1,700 customers include the likes of NASA, Spotify and Samsung.

Image Credits: Atlassian

With this acquisition, Atlassian is getting into a new market, too, by adding asset management tools to its lineup of services. The company’s flagship product is Mindville Insights, which helps IT, HR, sales, legal and facilities to track assets across a company. It’s completely agnostic as to which assets you are tracking, though, given Atlassian’s user base, most companies will likely use it to track IT assets like servers and laptops. But in addition to physical assets, you also can use the service to automatically import cloud-based servers from AWS, Azure and GCP, for example, and the team has built connectors to services like Service Now and Snow Software, too.

Image Credits: Mindville

“Mindville Insight provides enterprises with full visibility into their assets and services, critical to delivering great customer and employee service experiences. These capabilities are a cornerstone of IT Service Management (ITSM), a market where Atlassian continues to see strong momentum and growth,” Atlassian’s head of tech teams Noah Wasmer writes in today’s announcement.

Co-founded by Tommy Nordahl and Mathias Edblom, Mindville never raised any institutional funding, according to Crunchbase. The two companies also didn’t disclose the acquisition price.

Like some of Atlassian’s other recent acquisitions, including Code Barrel, the company was already an Atlassian partner and successfully selling its service in the Atlassian Marketplace.

“This acquisition builds on Atlassian’s investment in [IT Service Management], including recent acquisitions like Opsgenie for incident management, Automation for Jira for code-free automation, and Halp for conversational ticketing,” Atlassian’s Wasmer writes.

The Mindville team says it will continue to support existing customers and that Atlassian will continue to build on Insight’s tools while it works to integrate them with Jira Service Desk. That integration, Atlassian argues, will give its users more visibility into their assets and allow them to deliver better customer and employee service experiences.

Image Credits: Mindville

“We’ve watched the Insight product line be used heavily in many industries and for various disciplines, including some we never expected! One of the most popular areas is IT Service Management where Insight plays an important role connecting all relevant asset data to incidents, changes, problems, and requests,” write Mindville’s founders in today’s announcement. “Combining our solutions with the products from Atlassian enables tighter integration for more sophisticated service management, empowered by the underlying asset data.”

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Longtime enterprise exec Quentin Clark joins Dropbox as SVP of Engineering, Product and Design

Today’s the day for all you early-stage startup founders to learn everything you’ve always wanted to know about Startup Alley but were afraid to ask (10 points if you get that pop culture reference). We’re live-streaming an Ask Me Anything session from the TechCrunch LinkedIn page today at 4 p.m. ET/ 1 p.m. PT, and it’s not too late to register for this free event.

Learn about the benefits, opportunities and exposure that come from exhibiting your business in Startup Alley — from founders just like you.

The AMA kicks off with a quick overview of Disrupt and Startup Alley, and then we’ll move into a panel discussion moderated by the Startup Alley team. Our panel of fierce founders and veteran exhibitors includes Felicia Jackson, inventor and founder of CPRWrap; Khrys Hatch, Capital Program Manager at Launch Tennessee; and Luke Heron, founder and CEO of Testcard. Heron’s startup has the added distinction of earning a TC Top Pick designation in 2019 — be sure to ask him about that experience.

Now, 2020 is a year like no other — not exactly a newsflash, right? Digital Startup Alley may be virtual, but the connections and opportunities that come from exhibiting there are very real. Still, you have questions. We get it. That’s why Emma Comeau, our director of Events, will join us toward the end of the session to talk about what you, the Disrupt community, can expect at this year’s conference. You can ask her anything, too.

Today’s the day, founders. Join us for the Digital Startup Ask Me Anything Session — it’s free — at 4 p.m. ET/ 1 p.m. PT. Simply RSVP on the TechCrunch LinkedIn page, bring your burning questions and keep your business moving forward.

Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at Disrupt 2020? Contact the sponsorship sales team by filling out this form.

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Indeed is buying Interviewed to make task simulations part of job applications

Magnetis, an automated wealth management solution for Brazilian investors, has raised $11 million in a new round of funding as it transforms itself into a full-service brokerage for the nation’s investor class.

Investors in the round included Redpoint eventures and Vostok Emerging Finance, the company said.

“We’re quite happy with this vote of confidence from our investors. It only reinforces the credibility of our service and business model, which uses technology for goal-based investment management, without creating a conflict of interest,” said Luciano Tavares, founder and CEO of Magnetis. “The new funding will be used to launch our own brokerage and to develop new functionalities that improve customer experience and provide a complete and curated journey through goal-based investments.”

First launched five years ago, the company has set up 350,000 investment plans and has more than 430 million reals under management, according to a statement from the company.

The company said it planned to hit more than 1 billion reals by the end of 2021.

“Today, the Brazilian market is more sophisticated, with a sharp drop in a dependence on fixed income and a rise in more financial assets, including funds, shares, commodities and fixed-income securities. Defining a personal investment portfolio is a science, not a game or lottery,” said Anderson Thees, founder and managing partner of Redpoint eventures, in a statement. “Magnetis’ great differentiator is its ability to set up a personalized investment plan, with first-rate assets and its use of AI to manage all the variables in a sophisticated way. Magnetis is well-positioned for accelerated growth and our team at Redpoint is excited about guiding them during this new phase of our partnership as the fintech sector continues to boom in Brazil and beyond.”

Fintech in Latin America is a booming investment category, with companies like Nubank skyrocketing to multi-billion-dollar valuations, and accounting for 22% of all Latin American fintech startups.

As the company closes on the new financing, it’s also launching a brokerage, which will enable the company to do more for its customers, according to Tavares. It may also allow the company to keep more money for itself because it doesn’t have to work with outside parties to execute trades.

“Our model for digital assets management and wealth creation is much more complete and sophisticated. The vision is to be a financial guide for our clients; making their investment experience simpler,” Tavares said in a statement. “A total integration with the broker makes the client’s journey simpler, more consolidated and complete.”

Tavares said Magnetis is also making a commitment to transparency around fees.

“We do not receive commissions on the products we recommend to customers,” said Tavares, in a statement. “The asset selection process is done in a transparent and automated way, and customers pay us an annual consulting fee based only on the amount they invest, and not according to the recommended investments. The end result is the selection of high-quality products that are more aligned with the clients’ objectives.”

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362nd Roundtable Recording On August 3, 2017: Economic Development Discussion - Sramana Mitra

You have a mere 48 hours left to join the first global Disrupt at the lowest possible price. Disrupt 2020 runs September 14-18 — five days packed with opportunity for founders, investors, entrepreneurs and every other role across the startup universe.

Your first opportunity — saving up to $300 on your Disrupt 2020 pass — expires on July 31 at 11:59 p.m. (PT). Don’t put off saving when every dollar counts. Purchase your pass today, and then get ready to grab the keys to success and drive your business forward.

You can always count on Disrupt to deliver an outstanding lineup of speakers, and this year is no different in that respect. Leading industry movers and shakers will grace our virtual stages to share their hard-won insight, discuss trends and share their specific path to startup success.

Here’s just a taste of the Disrupt speaker lineup:

Millions of people around the world have welcomed Alexa, the reigning queen of smart assistants, into their homes. Hear how Alexa came to be such a dominating force from the two people who know her best — Toni Reid, vice president of Alexa Experience & Echo Devices at Amazon, and Rohit Prasad, vice president and head scientist of Alexa Artificial Intelligence.Airtable co-founder and CEO Howie Liu has amassed quite a resume in collaborative enterprise software. TC editors will talk with Liu about the challenges that come with building a very complex product — and teaching the customer base how to use it. We’ll ask him to weigh in on the state of enterprise software sales, no and low-code software and hyper-growth.

Celebrity speakers at Disrupt are nothing new, but they’re never there simply because they’re famous. Case in point, Kerry Washington will join us to talk about her recent move toward tech investment and operations. Plus, we’ll discuss the rapid shift toward streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Quibi, Disney+ and HBO and ways networks are trying to evolve.

You’ll also find plenty of content focused on helping early-stage startup founders build a stronger business. Head to the Extra Crunch Stage for sessions designed to provide actionable tips and tactics you can adapt and apply to your own business. Each session will be helmed by a leading expert — think marketing, investment and business development.

We’re talking topics that every early-stage founder needs to master — or at least understand well enough to hire or partner with the right people. Need to craft a more compelling pitch deck? Do you need a sales team and how do you build one? This is the place for you.

Disrupt 2020 offers so much more: Startup Battlefield, Digital Startup Alley, world-class networking with thousands of global attendees — and CrunchMatch to make finding and connecting with them fast, easy and organized.

Early-bird pricing — and up to $300 in savings — disappears in just 48 hours on July 31 when the clock strikes 11:59 p.m. (PT). Don’t miss out on the lowest possible price. Buy your Disrupt 2020 pass now. Grab the keys and drive your business forward.

Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at Disrupt 2020? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this form.

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VergeSense’s AI sensing hardware tackles facility management

At last week’s Early Stage virtual event, founders and investors shared some of their best insights about startup building and what they’re looking for in their next investments. We’ve assembled a compilation of insights covering different elements of entrepreneurship from a handful of founders and VCs:

Jess Lee, partner at Sequoia Capital on identifying your customerGarry Tan, managing partner at Initialized Capital on finding the right problemAnn Miura-Ko, co-founding partner at Floodgate on product-market fitAli Partovi, Neo founder and CEO on hiring

Jess Lee, partner, Sequoia Capital: Start with your customers

Jess Lee has a whole framework for describing customers as if they were characters in a film.

“The way to think about it is as a fictional character who represents a particular user type that might use your product or company or your brand in a particular way,” she said. “And many companies have multiple personas.”

A more scientific way is thinking of your customers as a cluster of data points. The persona that emerges is at the center of that cluster.

Image Credits: TC Early Stage

“So if you map out all of the possible customers, you tend to see these clusters and then you describe who the person is at the center of that cluster,” Lee said.

What makes a good persona is someone who feels useful for product design but also memorable. That means creating a persona that has a clear story with real pain points, she said.

“And that’s the most important thing,” she said. “What do they care about and what problems are you trying to solve?”

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Copycats versus disruptors in Latin America

Nils Mattisson Contributor
Formerly at Apple, Nils Mattisson is now CEO and co-founder of smart home tech company Minut.

If you look at the most successful startups today, you’ll find plenty of proof that the hardware-enabled service (Haas) model works: Peloton, Particle, Latch and Igloohome all rely on subscriptions along with product sales. Even tech giants like Apple are rapidly reinventing themselves as service companies.

Yet, if you currently rely on device sales, the prospect of changing your entire business model might seem daunting.

At Minut, we are building smart home monitors (privacy-safe noise, motion and temperature monitoring) and recently made the transition despite the lack of resources on the process. Here are the seven lessons we learned:

It is a question of when  —  not if.The transition will have company-wide impact.Your current and future target audience may differ.Price should reflect the value for the customer. Your revenue should grow with theirs.Avoid your free offer competing with your premium ones.Be transparent (internally and externally) about the changes. Over-communicate.Start the process early, check regularly with your team and set measurable targets.

Why subscriptions are the future of industry (and your startup)

Hardware has one advantage over software: customers understand there is a cost to your product. Now, this allows hardware startups to generate revenue with their first iteration, but it’s unsustainable as the company grows and needs to innovate: the software and user experience need continuous improvement and excellent support, just like in a software-only startup.

That’s why we see most hardware startups eventually launching a subscription model and limit what’s available for free. Even established companies  —  think Strava or Wink  —  often end up having to radically limit free features after years of operations.

Experienced founders and financial markets favor subscription models and recurring revenue. Market valuation multiples are typically much higher for companies that benefit from service revenue in addition to sales.

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3D-printed fruit will help your real apples taste better

Point, a new challenger bank in the U.S., is launching publicly today with an invite system. While Point is technically providing a bank account, the company focuses on rewards associated with a debit card.

“I started Point as a solution about everything that is frustrating and complicated about credit cards. The incentives between credit card companies and cardholders are misaligned,” Point co-founder and CEO Patrick Mrozowski told me.

When Mrozowski first got a credit card, he was spending a ton of money to reach a certain level of spending and unlock the sign-up bonus. At the end of the month, he ended up with credit card debt for no valid reason.

“What would American Express look like today?” he says to sum up Point’s vision. It comes down to two important principles — being in charge of your budget so that you don’t end up with debt and unlocking rewards from brands that you actually interact with.

Many challenger banks want to provide a simple banking experience for the underbanked. Point doesn’t have the same positioning. Creating a Point account is more like joining a membership program.

When you sign up, you get a debit card with some level of insurance as it’s a Mastercard World Debit card. You can expect some trip cancellation insurance, rental car insurance, purchase insurance, etc.

As the name of the startup suggests, you earn points with each purchase. You get 5x points on subscriptions, such as Spotify and Netflix, 3x points on food, grocery deliveries and ride sharing, and 1x points on everything else. Points can be redeemed for dollars — each point is worth $0.01. In addition to that, Point is going to create a feed of offers with discounts, content, events and more.

Due to its premium positioning, Point isn’t free. You have to pay $6.99 per month or $60 per year to join Point. Point doesn’t charge any foreign transaction fees.

You can connect your Point account with another bank account using Plaid. It lets you top up your account using ACH transfers. Behind the scenes, Point works with Radius Bank for the banking infrastructure, an FDIC-insured bank.

The company announced earlier this month that it has raised a $10.5 million Series A led by Valar Ventures with Y Combinator, Kindred Ventures, Finventure Studio and business angels also participating.

Image Credits: Point

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A Stanford professor’s advice on surviving the a**hole at your startup

Stephen Ratner Contributor
Stephen Ratner is a startup attorney who has advised emerging companies and venture funds. Prior to law school, he served as Deputy Press Secretary to Attorney General Eric Holder at the U.S. Department of Justice.

You’ve probably seen them on highway billboards and your Instagram feeds: startups promising to get it right on racial and gender inequity when it comes to employee pay. But how much progress has actually been made? Are companies even aware that upcoming stock option grants might worsen the very problem they claim to be fixing?

Last week, a top female executive at well-known equity management platform Carta resigned, alleging hypocrisy in the company’s public advertisements for equity compensation — or the now infamous statement by their CEO “Fair equity should be table stakes” — and their actual stance on correcting these wrongs within the company. This top executive was Emily Kramer, the very Harvard MBA brought on board in part to help improve stock option inequity at Carta and within its thousands of company users. These developments left me wondering what more can be done by leaders in equity management to help ameliorate these issues before they get harder to solve.

Anyone who’s worked closely to venture capital and tech in America knows that stock options are a key lever of attracting top talent, especially for companies with risky business models and low odds of success. Yet, equity compensation has received much less attention than cash pay. Further, this “paper wealth” can be invaluable to women and persons of color as the country attempts to attack its shameful income inequality. If you’ve had the opportunity to work with Carta, then you also know that gender and racial inequity in compensation exists with stock options too, not just cash.

Carta must act swiftly to implement a new feature across its entire platform: an alert to startup founders and legal administrators that upcoming option grants result in gender and racial inequity, when compared with the rest of the company’s employees doing similar work. Backed by the precept of “equal work, equal pay,” Carta has a unique opportunity to use its near informational monopoly to ameliorate “equity inequity” and make good on unkept promises. This feature ensures internal parity: that women and persons of color are compensated by equity grants on par with white and/or male colleagues performing the same work, in similar positions.

Having input equity compensation into Carta myself as a startup attorney, there’s no way I could have known if new grants were equitable across the capitalization table, unless Carta sent an alert or the company circulated its own report. The sad reality is that it’s way too challenging to independently perform this review on your own. Carta can because it’s a clearinghouse for equity compensation, used by more than 14,000 companies across the marketplace, with unique access to the tools and information required to know if a company’s astray from its stated values.

Wouldn’t it be helpful if Carta notified a client’s management team and lawyers that new grants didn’t achieve gender and racial equity while they still had a chance to adjust the numbers, before board grants? According to Carta’s own 2019 gender equity gap study published following a review of a sample of their own users’ capitalization tables, male founders represented 6.5% of equity holders but own 64% of all equity. Further, at the employee level, female employees own 49 cents in equity for every dollar men own. If companies affirmatively understood the gravity of their actions, the state of paper wealth in the United States would be far more equitable and inclusive.

I’d imagine social justice-minded companies would be happy to make adjustments to stock grants when it was easiest, not after the fact. After all, once options are granted by the board, it becomes an administrative hassle to redo. Yes, many companies do internal audits afterwards, uncovering inequities — but it’s usually too late or burdensome to make all of these employees whole, some of whom might have already departed. Let’s not forget that startups generally can’t even grant options to individuals no longer providing services to their company. A proactive, preemptive approach is not only reasonable, but required. Carta’s well-placed to make up for its broken promises by nudging users to get it right the first time.

Remember, later-stage companies have the money to perform comprehensive equity pay analysis, but early-stage companies often don’t. It’s at formation when inequities are easiest and cheapest to tackle, particularly for the promising early-stage, future unicorns that Carta spends so much time attracting in its successful Launch program — one that offers discounted services to retain startups as they grow. Attorneys, board members, startup operators — heck, even the most junior staff — need to be unafraid in using Carta as a tool to help bring these issues to light.

I want to believe that companies that promise racial and gender equity in compensation make it happen, but not all do. Some don’t care. But others are just overloaded with pitch decks, Slack notifications and the immense expectations of investors searching for big returns. It’s not an excuse, just a reality. What a difference it would make if Carta let management know of the problem before it was too widespread to fix.

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Crunch Report | So About That Equifax Hack

Greg Robertson: We began working with this company called J. Williams and the owner of the company is John Morris. He’s an eccentric character. He had this great CMA program, but it didn’t really...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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As global startup exits grow, Europe sees its profile rise

Today’s 496th FREE online 1Mby1M Roundtable For Entrepreneurs is starting NOW, on Thursday, July 30, at 8 a.m. PDT/11 a.m. EDT/5 p.m. CEST/8:30 p.m. India IST. Click here to join. PASSWORD:...


Original author: Maureen Kelly

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Zoox in talks with SoftBank to fund self-driving cars

Today’s 496th FREE online 1Mby1M Roundtable For Entrepreneurs is starting in 30 minutes, on Thursday, July 30 at 8 a.m. PDT/11 a.m. EDT/5 p.m. CEST/8:30 p.m. India IST. Click here to join. PASSWORD:...


Original author: Maureen Kelly

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Darkstore wants to be the ‘invisible retailer’

Since The Exchange last checked in on the world of low- and no-code startup funding, several more interesting rounds in the niche have bubbled up.

This week, TechCrunch covered a startup called Hevo raising $8 million, and Paragon, which raised a $2.5 million seed round. Hevo is a “data pipeline startup” that helps “clients’ employees to integrate data from more than 150 different sources — including enterprise software from Salesforce and Oracle without requiring a technical background,” we reported.

Paragon, part of Y Combinator’s Winter 2020 batch, is a developer productivity-focused service that “makes it easier for non-technical people to be able to build out integrations using our visual workflow editor” according to its co-founder Brandon Foo. Paragon wants to “bring the benefits of low code to product and engineering teams and make it easier to build products without writing manual code for every single integration” to help “streamline the product development process,” Foo added.

And there are more rounds worth highlighting in the space since we last looked, like $4 million for Enduvo (no-code AR/VR), a $3.45 million extension for the fast-growing Turbo Systems (a no-code “engagement platform”), and a seed round for CloudWorx (no-code IoT), among others.

The trend that we noted last week that no-code and low-code startups are raising lots of capital is still hot.

But startups aren’t the only companies working in this space: Apple has long had a foot in the domain via its subsidiary Claris, which rebranded to that name last year after running under the FileMaker moniker. At the time, Claris CEO Brad Freitag told TechCrunch that his company’s vision was to make “powerful technology accessible to everyone.”

That wasn’t merely cliché: Claris’ best-known product, FileMaker, helps users build low-code apps, and its second product is called Connect, a service that helps users link APIs using low-code tooling.

Given that Claris has been in the no-code, low-code space for longer than most, TechCrunch caught up with Freitag again to chat about recent growth in the market category, what he thinks of the low-code terminology, and, of course, his take on startups in the niche.

The growth of no-code and low-code

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Company builder Entrepreneur First raises $12.4M led by Greylock, Reid Hoffman joins board

Amy and I, through our Anchor Point Foundation, recently provided the seed grant to the ParentPreneur Foundation.

Founded by James Oliver, the ParentPreneur Foundation empowers Black people to be the best parents and entrepreneurs possible providing them money, tools, resources, and social capital.

I’ve known James for several years. After George Floyd was murdered, James was one of my Black friends who I called up and asked, “What are two things you are involved in that I can support with time, money, and influence?”

We talked about a couple of things, but when he started speaking about his dream to start a non-profit to help Black entrepreneurs who were also parents, I knew what I’d be supporting.

James is the perfect person to undertake this endeavor because he is acutely aware of the pain of parents who are entrepreneurs. James participated in the gener8tor accelerator and founded his startup, WeMontage.com when his now seven-year-old twins were born prematurely and weighed only two pounds each. During that difficult time, he was living 1,000 miles from family and friends, so he didn’t have much support.

Amy and I don’t have kids, so I listen to my friends who are entrepreneurs with kids about their experiences. Rather than assume their challenges are the same as mine, I recognize I have it easier in many ways, and enjoyed and learned from James’ book The More You Hustle, The Luckier You Get.

In our conversation about this new foundation, James told me that being a parent and an entrepreneur is hard, but being a Black ParentPreneur is even harder.

“Black people don’t have the same resources as many of our White ParentPreneur counterparts. Many of us are first-generation college graduates, and we don’t have a relative we can call to give us money to hold us over until we can get enough traction with our business. Further, we generally don’t have the social capital to execute our good ideas or even imagine what is possible.”

Hence, the ParentPreneur Foundation, which James started a month ago. The inaugural cohort was recently announced and had ten Black ParentPreneurs who each received $1,000. The foundation also provides access to resources to improve beneficiary businesses and parenting lifestyles.

I’m excited about supporting James in the work he’s doing to help address issues of economic inequality in the Black entrepreneur community while helping strengthen families.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation or connect with James to offer resources for the foundation’s beneficiaries.

And if you’re a Black ParentPreneur, join the foundation’s online private community.

Original author: Brad Feld

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Data Artisans announces commercial Application Manager for open source Apache Flink

Trade tensions between China and the U.S. have not stopped Chinese companies from eyeing to list on American stock exchanges. Li Auto, a five-year-old Chinese electric vehicle startup, raised $1.1 billion through its debut on Nasdaq on Thursday.

The Beijing-based company is targeting a growing Chinese middle class that aspires to drive cleaner, smarter and larger vehicles. Its first model, sold at a subsidized price of 328,000 yuan, or $46,800, is a six-seat electric SUV that began shipping at the end of last year.

Li Auto priced its IPO north of its targeted range at $11.5 per share, giving it a fully diluted market value of $10 billion. It also raised an additional $380 million in a concurrent private placement of shares to existing investors.

The IPO arrived amid a surge of investor interest in EV makers. Tesla’s shares have skyrocketed in the last few quarters. Li Auto’s domestic rival Nio, which raised a similar amount in a $1 billion float in New York back in 2018, also saw its stock price rally in recent months.

Li Auto is one step ahead of its Chinese peer Xpeng in planning its first-time sale. The six-year-old competitor said last year it may consider an IPO. Last month, a source told South China Morning Post that Xpeng was getting ready for the listing.

Founders of China’s emergent EV startups are often shrewd internet veterans who are well-connected in the venture capital and marketing world, attracting investment dollars in the billions. Li Auto, for instance, counts China’s food delivery mogul Wang Xing, boss of Meituan Dianping, as its second-largest shareholder after its CEO Li Xiang. TikTok parent ByteDance shelled out $30 million in its Series C round.

Investors are in part emboldened by Beijing’s national push to electrify China’s auto industry. The question, then, is whether these startups have the right talent and resources to pull things off in an industry that traditionally demands a much longer development cycle.

Wallace Guo, a managing partner at Li Auto’s Series B investor Taihecap, admitted that “the nature of auto consumption, unlike internet products evolving through trial and error, manufacturing a car, is a strategic move with sophisticated system, very long value chain, requiring huge investment and resources and any error can be fatal.”

Mingming Huang, chief executive of Future Capital, said that “it was a no brainer in 2015 to be the first investor” in Li Auto. The venture capitalist said Li, which ran a popular car-buying online portal before getting into manufacturing, “has the rare combination of being a relentless talent as well as a top-notch product manager that excels in creating value for all stakeholders.”

Customers testing Li Auto’s SUV in China. Photo: Li Auto

Both investors believed Li Auto has picked the right path of zeroing in on extended-range electric vehicles. EREVs come with an auxiliary power unit, often a small combustion engine, that ensures cars can still operate even when a charging station is not immediately available, a shortage yet to be solved in China.

As my colleague Alex pointed out, Li Auto is on a trajectory similar to that of its peer Nio, going public after a short history of delivering to customers. The startup only began shipping its first model last December and delivered just over 10,000 units as of June, its prospectus showed.

The startup is still deep in the red, losing 2.44 billion yuan ($350 million) in 2019, up from a net loss of 1.53 billion yuan in 2018. It did finish the first quarter of 2020 with a gross profit of $9.6 million after it began monetization.

Its annual revenue — comprised mostly of car sales and a small portion from services like charging stalls — stood at 284 million yuan ($40.4 million) in 2019, a tiny fraction of Nio’s $1.12 billion. But Nio also amassed a greater net loss of $1.62 billion in the same year. In contrast, Tesla has been profitable for four straight quarters.

Li Auto’s investors are clearly bullish that the Chinese startup can one day match Tesla’s commercial success.

“Xiang has a deep understanding of the preferences and pain points of car owners and drivers in China. Li Auto is the first in China to successfully commercialize extended-range electric vehicles, solving the challenges of inadequate charging infrastructure and battery technologies constraints,” Huang asserted.

“The company is able to get positive gross margin when selling the first batch of vehicles and thus with its growth in sales volume, its gross margin was well above competitors and can live long enough to become a ten billion-dollar company with this healthy business model,” said Guo.

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EEVO, a startup powering VR apps for the BBC and others, raises $1.3M

According to a recent MarketsandMarkets report, the global Security and Vulnerability Management Market size is expected to grow 4.5% annually to $15.5 billion by 2025 from $12.5 billion in 2020. The...


Original author: MitraSramana

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