High School Internship 2023

Submit Application for High School Internship at - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Internship2023 by November 30th 2022

iStart Valley is offering immersive and experiential Five Months Internship. This competitive enrichment program is based on the rigor and relevance framework to help Interns develop an Entrepreneurial growth mindset and Leadership qualities. Interns focus on Innovation and creativity while learning the latest Technology and Business Trends. Successful students will receive Presidential Service Awards based on the hours accumulated completing the Internship Assignments. This is an incentivized, performance driven and highly selective Internship. Interns can pursue their passion projects as part of their work assignments. Curriculum uses the same framework and content adopted in Ivy League universities like Yale, Columbia, Stanford etc.,


High School Internship


Participants will have unique opportunity to interact with the Business leaders, Young Entrepreneurs and Industry Experts throughout the program. There’s no commute or travel involved in this program. Administered remotely, Interns will have the benefit of flexible working hours to meet the Assignment Deadlines. Time commitment from interns is 2 - 4 Hrs. per week. All live sessions are online through Web Conference.

Program will begin January 21st 2023 and end by May 13th 2023.

Click the link to Submit the Application  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Internship2023 No later than November 30th 2022

Job Description

  • Research and map the Regional innovation ecosystem assets
  • Spot trends, generate ideas by exploring the latest at the intersection of Business and Technology
  • Generate business model applying the Lean Startup methodology
  • Apply lean startup principles to ideas and develop lean business model canvas
  • Conduct Product-Market Fit analysis and evaluate the Target Addressable Market working with the team members
  • Learn and identify the application of the latest Technologies such as AI, Machine Learning and Block chain
  • Complete Stanford University’s Design Thinking crash course by Stanford d.school and apply that to solve the assigned problems
  • Prepare and present the Business Plan to iStart Valley’s Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR's) and the Executive Leadership Team (ELT)
  • Lead a team of 4-5 interns to complete the work and review status on a weekly based cadence.

A one-time fee of $500.00 (tax exempted), is required at the beginning of the internship, installment based options are available. Fee is towards the mentoring and assistance provided to the Interns payable only if selected to the Internship

About iStart Valley

iStart Valley, is a leading Non-profit Business accelerator ranked impressively #23 on MAVS TOP 100 businesses with a combined economic impact of $54B. D-CEO and Communities Foundation of Texas awarded iStart Valley as the “Social Enterprise for Outstanding Innovation” Finalist. Organization has consistently earned the reputation of being one of the Great Nonprofits three years in a row.


Did you know, 41 Percent of Gen Zers Plan to Become Entrepreneurs? According to recent study published by Entrepreneur.com, almost half of Gen Zers believe they'll invent something that changes the world. They are looking for lucrative career paths. iStart Valley's Internship focuses on developing Next Generation Innovators, Creators and Entrepreneurs which is the need of the hour.


"Teaching students to think and act as entrepreneurs does remarkable things. It motivates and energizes students, it builds their critical and creative thinking capabilities, it focuses them on the ways they can make an impact in the world, and it prepares them to enter the workforce with passion, purpose and confidence" - Richard M. Schulze is the founder and chairman emeritus of Best Buy Co

Highlights from 2021 Internship


Experiences from the few Previous Interns:

iStart Valley was a great experience, one with filled with learning new skills, thinking like an entrepreneur, and forming a startup. Gaining such exposure is very difficult in high school, but is crucial in becoming a successful entrepreneur in the future. iStart Valley creates an environment with individuals from various backgrounds that interact and learn together. I am grateful to have participated in iStart Valley. - Sejal Gupta, Accepted into 15 Major Universities including Yale, Columbia, Cornell! Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair Finalist Regeneron Science Talent Search Scholar

"This program is one of its kind. It strives to teach kids the essence of business and entrepreneurship. By working with fellow interns, I have learned the importance of teamwork and had the opportunity to create several platforms for our startup idea. With the knowledge and resources, we now have, we are more than ready to continue our startup" - Sathvik Nallamalli, Intel ISEF 2018 & 2019 Grand Award Winner, FBLA Nationals Winner 2018

"Being part of the iStart Valley internship opened up a lot of new opportunities for me for college and for my career. I became part of a large entrepreneurship community where I am constantly being encouraged and challenged to think outside of the box". - Veenadhari Kollipara, A Science Bowl/Science Olympiad/The USA Biology Olympiad Winner

"The highly selective iStart Valley internship was one of my best high school experiences, hands down! It was very engaging, challenging, relevant, exciting and informative."- Ashwin Veeramani, University School, Cleveland, Ohio, National Brain Bee Champion

"Participating in the iStart Valley Internship has provided me with the tools I need to be successful in my future career." - Manan Shah, High School Junior, Edison, NJ. Winner of 1st place at national level Model UN conferences & 1st place at national level Math Competitions

"iStart Valley is an eye-opening experience for aspiring entrepreneurs. Whether you are interested in technology, science, or even music, there are always problems to be addressed. iStart Valley helped empower me to know that I can pursue and solve these problems." - Shreya Chaudhary, Sophomore at Keystone School, Skin Cancer Researcher, Winner of State Level Competitive Programming Competitions

"iStart Valley's summer internship has helped me in a plethora of ways. They include leadership skills, essential communication skills, and how to work effectively in a team. It also educated us on technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence that are shaping our world today. Most importantly it taught me how I can hatch my ideas into a startup." - Anish A Merchant, Freshman at Monroe Township High School, New Jersey, Winner of 2nd place at Buildtak 3D printing competition, 2nd place at a state conference at a TSA engineering

Additional rating and reviews are listed below

Internship FAQ's

1. What is the eligibility criteria for this Internship program?
Internship is for High School students from 9th to 12th Grades. However 8th Graders going into 9th Grade High School can also apply.