
Hexel lets you create an Ethereum token for your community

 What would it look like if the majority of newly issued ERC-20 tokens were used for good, instead of scammy ICO evil? One Y Combinator-backed startup that thinks they have an answer to this question. Meet Hexel, a startup that wants to make it easy for anyone to use Ethereum-based tokens to engage their hyperlocal community. For example, a restaurant could use Hexel’s free tool to… Read More

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Former Dropbox exec Ilya Fushman is joining Kleiner Perkins from Index Ventures

 Ilya Fushman, a former Dropbox executive most recently at Index Ventures, is joining Kleiner Perkins as a general partner and managing member, the firm said today. Fushman is a big pickup for Kleiner Perkins, who also brought on Social+Capital’s Mamoon Hamid in August last year. All these hires give the impression that Kleiner Perkins, with a storied history but one looking for fresh… Read More

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Devialet is getting a new CEO

 Employees of French startup Devialet just learned this morning that they would get a new CEO. Co-founder and (former) CEO Quentin Sannié is going to focus on the long-term vision, while Franck Lebouchard is joining the company to become CEO.While the board of the company elected Lebouchard as CEO on Friday, this change has been in the works for months. Lebouchard has worked at McKinsey… Read More

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March 7 – Rendezvous with Sramana Mitra in Menlo Park, CA - Sramana Mitra

For entrepreneurs interested to meet and chat with Sramana Mitra in person, please join us for our weekly informal group meetups. If you are living in the San Francisco Bay Area or are just in town...


Original author: Maureen Kelly

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Shogun wants to help businesses easily build a better online storefront

 Finbarr Taylor and Nick Raushenbush had started a little side project that was making just about enough money to keep the site’s lights on while they were working on their next plans. Then, a few months later, Shogun — a tool to help small businesses build shopfronts for sites like Shopify — started making a bit more. After a few months, it went from a nice dinner to a… Read More

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Shape is an app to help you learn how to invest the ethical way

 Recently launched out of beta, U.K. startup Shape wants to create a more educational trading experience for a new generation of traders, including those who might be concerned with the ethical standards of the sectors or companies they back. Read More

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Hotshot Advice on Raising Venture Capital

March 5, 2018

Raising money is hard.

Entrepreneurs need to understand what’s involved – from what to consider when picking the right venture partner and how to think about the economic and control rights at stake, to what life will be like after the deal closes. This assumes that the company is ready to raise venture money in the first place – an important consideration that not enough entrepreneurs really stop to consider.

At Foundry Group, we believe in a level playing field when it comes to knowledge. We want entrepreneurs to understand all the issues and to make the most informed decisions they can. That not only benefits them, but it benefits us as their partners and investors. That was one of the motivations for Jason and I to write Venture Deals. It’s also why Jason co-teaches the venture capital course at CU Boulder.

We believe that access to information is a good thing.

So when the founders of Hotshot, a startup that provides digital learning for lawyers, asked if they could come to Boulder and interview Jason and me for a video on raising venture capital, we happily obliged.

The video they created is called “Advice on Raising Venture Capital.” Anyone can access it for free, and we encourage you to check it out. While Hotshot’s content is aimed at lawyers and law students, this course is for entrepreneurs. In it, Jason and I discuss the different things that founders should consider when raising venture money for the first time.

We don’t have a stake in Hotshot – we just like what they’re up to and wanted to share the content.

Also published on Medium.

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Original author: Brad Feld

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Roger Bannister’s Sub-Four-Minute Mile

March 4, 2018

If you are a runner, then I expect Sir Roger Bannister is one of your heroic figures (as he is one of mine.) He died today at 88.

Enjoy his narration of the video of him running the first sub-four-minute mile. It’s delightful.

I love his number (41) – a prime, and somehow signaling something about the first sub-four-minute mile, along with Chataway’s 42 (the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.)

Also published on Medium.

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Original author: Brad Feld

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Startups Weekly: Raising huge sums quickly

 Hey, did you know that TechCrunch sends out a weekly newsletter rounding up the latest startup news? Well, we do! But for as-yet-unidentified technical reasons, it doesn’t seem to have gone out today, so I’m publishing it here. And if you haven’t subscribed yet, what are you waiting for? 1. What does it take to be a startup that raises huge sums quickly? “Trait No. 1:… Read More

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New York City just launched a free app to protect people's phones because cyber criminals are becoming a bigger threat

 These days, home movies aren’t recorded with handheld video cameras, but rather with our smartphones. Unfortunately, there’s a downside. Our iPhones default to lower quality video so recordings won’t eat up storage space; and while you can adjust that all the way to 4K on newer devices, that would drastically increase your storage consumption. You’d soon receive… Read More

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Citi wants fintech startups to disrupt institutional banking

 Financial services giant Citi reckons fintech startups are missing out on a major opportunity to disrupt institutional banking. Indeed, it’s inviting entrepreneurs to do so.  Read More

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Why Biohacking and Bodyhacking Are The Wrong Words

We (the tech industry) like to label everything. I attribute the source of this desire and need to Regis McKenna although he may have just been the genius that amplified it.

The labels I dealt with early in my professional career (the 1980s) included micro computers, mini-computers, artificial intelligence, expert systems, neural networks, middleware, super computers, parallel computing, and killer app. Oh – and groovy. And music by Boston, Journey, Rush, Pink Floyd, and AC/DC.

When we invested in Fitbit in 2010, the phrase we used to describe the product was human instrumentation. If you read the original post, you’ll be amused by the lack of marketing language for what, in a few years, would evolve through labels like quantified self and wearables. And yes, I still call it human instrumentation (as a subset of human computer interaction), since that’s the part that is interesting to me.

BodyHacking and BioHacking and trendy labels for this. They’ve long been a favorite troupe of the sci-fi that I enjoy and are now regularly showing up in sci-fi movies. One of the annual conferences, BDYHAX, even has a description that fits with the notion of transhumanism.

BDYHAX is 3-day celebration of human enhancement, transhumanism, and biohacking. With a special focus on DIY healthcare and other body hacks, BDYHAX brings together industry experts, curious newcomers, and everyone else in between.

Mom / Dad – do these words skeeve you out? I’m betting they do. Or, at the minimum, you feel detached from them. It is, in this way, that I think the tech industry, with their labels, are doing humanity a great injustice on this topic.

Here are some common bodyhacks that we’ve been doing for a long time.


IUDGlucose monitorHip replacementDental implantTattooPacemaker

You get the idea.

I think part of the problem might be gender. Go read the following post by Kate Preston McAndrew titled Vagina, vagina, vagina.* (the subtitle is “Redesigning the pelvic exam experience“). Kate starts the post strong.

“Gender disparity is real, and traditionally, medical equipment designers have tended to have penises. That is problematic on a general level, but specifically, it means that problems that are specific to vaginas are often ignored or overlooked.”

I hadn’t connected this issue to the labels we use until I read the post. The post is outstanding, especially in the use of language and the unfolding of the thought process around the product. While reading it, I felt like I was in an alternate universe from the typical conversation I have about products. It was awesome.

Tech (hardware and software) is being interwoven into everything we do as a human species. To make this accessible to everyone, maybe we should start working a little harder on the words. More meaning, and less either (a) tech or (b) marketing. Ponder that all your cryptowarriors out there. Or members of any particular technology company mafia. And those of you in ecosystems.

What are you really trying to say?

Also published on Medium.

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Original author: Brad Feld

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Solo Entrepreneur, Bootstrapping with a Paycheck and a Virtual Company: Cedric Savarese, CEO of FormAssembly (Part 5) - Sramana Mitra

Sramana Mitra: Let’s switch to team. You started as a solo entrepreneur? Cedric Saverese: Yes. Sramana Mitra: How long did you carry on as a solo entrepreneur? Cedric Saverese: Two to three years,...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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Rylo brings its cool little 360 camera to the world of Android

 Rylo is a powerful little 360 camera that tries to keep its 360-degree features in the background most of the time; the real goal of the company is to rethink the camera so that you end up deciding how to frame the perfect photo or video after you’ve already grabbed the footage. The startup’s camera has been iOS-only since it launched last year, but today the company’s app… Read More

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Is Salesforce Looking to Acquire Indian Startups? - Sramana Mitra

If there is one company that has mastered the art of the cloud, it is (NYSE: CRM). It recently released its fourth quarter results that continued to outpace market expectations. And,...


Original author: MitraSramana

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Bootstrapping to Exit: TimeSlips CEO Mitch Russo (Part 5) - Sramana Mitra

Mitch Russo: As I said, tech support was starting to run very long waits. A woman called and announced that she is the head of the legal technology division for the Los Angeles Bar Association. She...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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BGF Ventures leads ticket search engine TickX’s £3M Series A

 TickX, a U.K., Manchester-based startup that has developed a search engine and discovery platform for events and other “attractions” tickets, has raised £3 million in Series A funding. Read More

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Roundtable Recap: March 1 – One Size Does Not Fit All - Sramana Mitra

During this week’s roundtable, we had as our guest Gary Little, Co-founder at Canvas Ventures. We discussed the various types of venture capital and the evolution of the industry into a rather...


Original author: Maureen Kelly

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Corporate Innovation Management: Board Level Commitment Necessary - Sramana Mitra

As I noted in my recent article SaaS Companies: You Have an Unprecedented Opportunity, there is an amazing level of potential for corporate innovation in the current environment, both internal and...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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1Mby1M Virtual Accelerator Investor Forum: With Stewart Alsop of Alsop Louie Partners (Part 4) - Sramana Mitra

Sramana Mitra: The point I’m going to make to your point is that I don’t think unreasonable entrepreneurs means stupid entrepreneurs. I think I’m a pretty unreasonable entrepreneur. What we are doing...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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