Vikram Mahalingam

Vikram Mahalingam


Vikram is a junior at the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science (TAMS) in Denton, Texas. For as long as he can remember, he has always been interested in all of his STEM courses but also enjoyed leading projects and turning visions into reality. He hopes to combine his interests in business and management with biomedical engineering by working as a manager for a biomedical engineering firm in the future. Regarding his leadership and business endeavors, he is the founder of a career-counseling nonprofit, works as the Chief Operating Officer of a tutoring organization, and is a part of his school’s DECA team. He also loves learning about computer science, engineering, and medicine and is an undergraduate researcher at UNT, working on finding ways to detect epilepsy early on in patients. He has also placed 1st place at the Texas Science Olympiad competition and is a part of his school’s First Robotics Competion team. Academics aside, he loves music and plays the piano and drums. However, his two favorite hobbies are lifting and running.