
Bootstrapping to $30 Million from Florida: SproutLoud CEO Jared Shusterman (Part 5) - Sramana Mitra

AI transport logistics firm CitySwift has raised more than $2 million in a funding round backed by Irelandia Investments and Act Venture Capital. The Irish firm's transport simulation software is already used by some of the UK's biggest transport firms to deal with COVID-19 restrictions. The AI transportation market is projected to be worth more than $3 billion globally by 2023, according to PS Market Research. We got an exclusive look at the pitch deck CitySwift used to bring investors on board. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

CitySwift, the AI data firm that runs simulations of transport networks, has raised more than $2 million in a funding round backed by Irelandia Investments and Act Venture Capital. 

CitySwift's software is already used by some of the UK's biggest public transport companies, including National Express and Go Ahead Group. It uses mobility data to simulate transport schedules on a mass scale. 

In recent months, the Galway-based firm's tech has let companies assess social distancing measures and helped bus companies alter their routes. 

The AI transportation market is projected to be worth more than $3 billion globally by 2023, according to figures compiled by analysts at PS Market Research. 

Brian O'Rourke, CitySwift cofounder and CEO, said the COVID-19 pandemic had shown how important data was for companies, governments, and the public.

"This has been even more evident for public transport companies as they monitored the effects of lockdown restrictions on their networks and model and plan for future scenarios as restrictions have begun to ease.

"The CitySwift platform has been leveraged to enable our clients and their passengers to make informed, data-driven decisions as they navigate the road to recovery in these ever-changing times."

The firm said the newly raised €2 million ($2.25 million) will be used to speed up product development and hire 25 new employees. 

Check out the pitch deck CitySwift used to bring investors on board below: 

Original author: Martin Coulter

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Watch the first four episodes of the Silicon Valley mockumentary ‘Bubbleproof’

When Troy Hunt launched Have I Been Pwned in late 2013, he wanted it to answer a simple question: Have you fallen victim to a data breach?

Seven years later, the data-breach notification service processes thousands of requests each day from users who check to see if their data was compromised — or pwned with a hard ‘p’ — by the hundreds of data breaches in its database, including some of the largest breaches in history. As it’s grown, now sitting just below the 10 billion breached-records mark, the answer to Hunt’s original question is more clear.

“Empirically, it’s very likely,” Hunt told me from his home on Australia’s Gold Coast. “For those of us that have been on the internet for a while it’s almost a certainty.”

What started out as Hunt’s pet project to learn the basics of Microsoft’s cloud, Have I Been Pwned quickly exploded in popularity, driven in part by its simplicity to use, but largely by individuals’ curiosity.

As the service grew, Have I Been Pwned took on a more proactive security role by allowing browsers and password managers to bake in a backchannel to Have I Been Pwned to warn against using previously breached passwords in its database. It was a move that also served as a critical revenue stream to keep down the site’s running costs.

But Have I Been Pwned’s success should be attributed almost entirely to Hunt, both as its founder and its only employee, a one-man band running an unconventional startup, which, despite its size and limited resources, turns a profit.

As the workload needed to support Have I Been Pwned ballooned, Hunt said the strain of running the service without outside help began to take its toll. There was an escape plan: Hunt put the site up for sale. But, after a tumultuous year, he is back where he started.

Ahead of its next big 10-billion milestone mark, Have I Been Pwned shows no signs of slowing down.

‘Mother of all breaches’

Even long before Have I Been Pwned, Hunt was no stranger to data breaches.

By 2011, he had cultivated a reputation for collecting and dissecting small — for the time — data breaches and blogging about his findings. His detailed and methodical analyses showed time and again that internet users were using the same passwords from one site to another. So when one site was breached, hackers already had the same password to a user’s other online accounts.

Then came the Adobe breach, the “mother of all breaches” as Hunt described it at the time: Over 150 million user accounts had been stolen and were floating around the web.

Hunt obtained a copy of the data and, with a handful of other breaches he had already collected, loaded them into a database searchable by a person’s email address, which Hunt saw as the most common denominator across all the sets of breached data.

And Have I Been Pwned was born.

It didn’t take long for its database to swell. Breached data from Sony, Snapchat and Yahoo soon followed, racking up millions more records in its database. Have I Been Pwned soon became the go-to site to check if you had been breached. Morning news shows would blast out its web address, resulting in a huge spike in users — enough at times to briefly knock the site offline. Hunt has since added some of the biggest breaches in the internet’s history: MySpace, Zynga, Adult Friend Finder, and several huge spam lists.

As Have I Been Pwned grew in size and recognition, Hunt remained its sole proprietor, responsible for everything from organizing and loading the data into the database to deciding how the site should operate, including its ethics.

Hunt takes a “what do I think makes sense” approach to handling other people’s breached personal data. With nothing to compare Have I Been Pwned to, Hunt had to write the rules for how he handles and processes so much breach data, much of it highly sensitive. He does not claim to have all of the answers, but relies on transparency to explain his rationale, detailing his decisions in lengthy blog posts.

His decision to only let users search for their email address makes logical sense, driven by the site’s only mission, at the time, to tell a user if they had been breached. But it was also a decision centered around user privacy that helped to future-proof the service against some of the most sensitive and damaging data he would go on to receive.

In 2015, Hunt obtained the Ashley Madison breach. Millions of people had accounts on the site, which encourages users to have an affair. The breach made headlines, first for the breach, and again when several users died by suicide in its wake.

The hack of Ashley Madison was one of the most sensitive entered into Have I Been Pwned, and ultimately changed how Hunt approached data breaches that involved people’s sexual preferences and other personal data. (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man, File)

Hunt diverged from his usual approach, acutely aware of its sensitivities. The breach was undeniably different. He recounted a story of one person who told him how their local church posted a list of the names of everyone in the town who was in the data breach.

“It’s clearly casting a moral judgment,” he said, referring to the breach. “I don’t want Have I Been Pwned to enable that.”

Unlike earlier, less sensitive breaches, Hunt decided that he would not allow anyone to search for the data. Instead, he purpose-built a new feature allowing users who had verified their email addresses to see if they were in more sensitive breaches.

“The purposes for people being in that data breach were so much more nuanced than what anyone ever thought,” Hunt said. One user told him he was in there after a painful break-up and had since remarried but was labeled later as an adulterer. Another said she created an account to catch her husband, suspected of cheating, in the act.

“There is a point at which being publicly searchable poses an unreasonable risk to people, and I make a judgment call on that,” he explained.

The Ashely Madison breach reinforced his view on keeping as little data as possible. Hunt frequently fields emails from data breach victims asking for their data, but he declines every time.

“It really would not have served my purpose to load all of the personal data into Have I Been Pwned and let people look up their phone numbers, their sexualities, or whatever was exposed in various data breaches,” said Hunt.

“If Have I Been Pwned gets pwned, it’s just email addresses,” he said. “I don’t want that to happen, but it’s a very different situation if, say, there were passwords.”

But those remaining passwords haven’t gone to waste. Hunt also lets users search more than half a billion standalone passwords, allowing users to search to see if any of their passwords have also landed in Have I Been Pwned.

Anyone — even tech companies — can access that trove of Pwned Passwords, he calls it. Browser makers and password managers, like Mozilla and 1Password, have baked-in access to Pwned Passwords to help prevent users from using a previously breached and vulnerable password. Western governments, including the U.K. and Australia, also rely on Have I Been Pwned to monitor for breached government credentials, which Hunt also offers for free.

“It’s enormously validating,” he said. “Governments, for the most part, are trying to do things to keep countries and individuals safe — working under extreme duress and they don’t get paid much,” he said.

“There have been similar services that have popped up. They’ve been for-profit — and they’ve been indicted.”
Troy Hunt

Hunt recognizes that Have I Been Pwned, as much as openness and transparency is core to its operation, lives in an online purgatory under which any other circumstances — especially in a commercial enterprise — he would be drowning in regulatory hurdles and red tape. And while the companies whose data Hunt loads into his database would probably prefer otherwise, Hunt told me he has never received a legal threat for running the service.

“I’d like to think that Have I Been Pwned is at the far-legitimate side of things,” he said.

Others who have tried to replicate the success of Have I Been Pwned haven’t been as lucky.

“There have been similar services that have popped up,” said Hunt. “They’ve been for-profit — and they’ve been indicted,” he said.

LeakedSource was, for a time, one of the largest sellers of breach data on the web. I know, because my reporting broke some of their biggest gets: music streaming service Last.fm, adult dating site AdultFriendFinder, and Russian internet giant Rambler.ru to name a few. But what caught the attention of federal authorities was that LeakedSource, whose operator later pleaded guilty to charges related to trafficking identity theft information, indiscriminately sold access to anyone else’s breach data.

“There is a very legitimate case to be made for a service to give people access to their data at a price.”

Hunt said he would “sleep perfectly fine” charging users a fee to access their data. “I just wouldn’t want to be accountable for it if it goes wrong,” he said.

Project Svalbard

Five years into Have I Been Pwned, Hunt could feel the burnout coming.

“I could see a point where I would be if I didn’t change something,” he told me. “It really felt like for the sustainability of the project, something had to change.”

He said he went from spending a fraction of his time on the project to well over half. Aside from juggling the day-to-day — collecting, organizing, deduplicating and uploading vast troves of breached data — Hunt was responsible for the entirety of the site’s back office upkeep — its billing and taxes — on top of his own.

The plan to sell Have I Been Pwned was codenamed Project Svalbard, named after the Norweigian seed vault that Hunt likened Have I Been Pwned to, a massive stockpile of “something valuable for the betterment of humanity,” he wrote announcing the sale in June 2019. It would be no easy task.

Hunt said the sale was to secure the future of the service. It was also a decision that would have to secure his own. “They’re not buying Have I Been Pwned, they’re buying me,” said Hunt. “Without me, there’s just no deal.” In his blog post, Hunt spoke of his wish to build out the service and reach a larger audience. But, he told me, it was not about the money

As its sole custodian, Hunt said that as long as someone kept paying the bills, Have I Been Pwned would live on. “But there was no survivorship model to it,” he admitted. “I’m just one person doing this.”

By selling Have I Been Pwned, the goal was a more sustainable model that took the pressure off him, and, he joked, the site wouldn’t collapse if he got eaten by a shark, an occupational hazard for living in Australia.

But chief above all, the buyer had to be the perfect fit.

Hunt met with dozens of potential buyers, and many in Silicon Valley. He knew what the buyer would look like, but he didn’t yet have a name. Hunt wanted to ensure that whomever bought Have I Been Pwned upheld its reputation.

“Imagine a company that had no respect for personal data and was just going to abuse the crap out of it,” he said. “What does that do for me?” Some potential buyers were driven by profits. Hunt said any profits were “ancillary.” Buyers were only interested in a deal that would tie Hunt to their brand for years, buying the exclusivity to his own recognition and future work — that’s where the value in Have I Been Pwned is.

Hunt was looking for a buyer with whom he knew Have I Been Pwned would be safe if he were no longer involved. “It was always about a multiyear plan to try and transfer the confidence and trust people have in me to some other organizations,” he said.

Hunt testifies to the House Energy Subcommittee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

The vetting process and due diligence was “insane,” said Hunt. “Things just drew out and drew out,” he said. The process went on for months. Hunt spoke candidly about the stress of the year. “I separated from my wife early last year around about the same time as the [sale process],” he said. They later divorced. “You can imagine going through this at the same time as the separation,” he said. “It was enormously stressful.”

Then, almost a year later, Hunt announced the sale was off. Barred from discussing specifics thanks to non-disclosure agreements, Hunt wrote in a blog post that the buyer, whom he was set on signing with, made an unexpected change to their business model that “made the deal infeasible.”

“It came as a surprise to everyone when it didn’t go through,” he told me. It was the end of the road.

Looking back, Hunt maintains it was “the right thing” to walk away. But the process left him back at square one without a buyer and personally down hundreds of thousands in legal fees.

After a bruising year for his future and his personal life, Hunt took time to recoup, clambering for a normal schedule after an exhausting year. Then the coronavirus hit. Australia fared lightly in the pandemic by international standards, lifting its lockdown after a brief quarantine.

Hunt said he will keep running Have I Been Pwned. It wasn’t the outcome he wanted or expected, but Hunt said he has no immediate plans for another sale. For now it’s “business as usual,” he said.

In June alone, Hunt loaded over 102 million records into Have I Been Pwned’s database. Relatively speaking, it was a quiet month.

“We’ve lost control of our data as individuals,” he said. But not even Hunt is immune. At close to 10 billion records, Hunt has been ‘pwned’ more than 20 times, he said.

Earlier this year Hunt loaded a massive trove of email addresses from a marketing database — dubbed ‘Lead Hunter’ — some 68 million records fed into Have I Been Pwned. Hunt said someone had scraped a ton of publicly available web domain record data and repurposed it as a massive spam database. But someone left that spam database on a public server, without a password, for anyone to find. Someone did, and passed the data to Hunt. Like any other breach, he took the data, loaded it in Have I Been Pwned, and sent out email notifications to the millions who have subscribed.

“Job done,” he said. “And then I got an email from Have I Been Pwned saying I’d been pwned.”

He laughed. “It still surprises me the places that I turn up.”

Related stories:

Have I Been Pwned is looking for a new owner1Password nets partnership with ‘Have I Been Pwned’After account hacks, Twitch streamers take security into their own handsOracle’s BlueKai tracks you across the web. That data spilled onlineWe found a massive spam operation — and sunk its server

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What Are Seed Investors Looking For With Ashmeet Sidana - Sramana Mitra

Material Bank is a marketplace for design materials that promises to ship design samples overnight from its Memphis, Tennessee, warehouse.The company raised $28 million in April in a round led by Bain Capital Venture that also included funding from Starwood's Barry Sternlicht.CEO Adam Sandow said its customers are of Fortune 1000 companies, from cruise lines to tech companies to fast-food chains. The company's secret is its warehouse, operated by robots, and directly next to FedEx's global shipping hub, enabling last-minute overnight orders.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Amazon's famous two-day shipping guarantee for all of its Prime members is in the process of becoming a one day guarantee, prompting the company to spend billions on the goal. It has taken Amazon more than 20 years to get to that point.

But Material Bank, a marketplace for design and construction materials that launched in 2019, is able to promise deliveries for packages ordered as late as midnight by 10:30 am the next day. 

While Amazon's delivery empire has grown out of the company's extensive investments in industrial real estate and army of logistics and warehouse workers, Material Bank instead partnered with FedEx and planted its warehouse in Memphis, Tennessee right next to FedEx's global sorting hub to provide speedy delivery. 

The company, founded by design media magnate Adam Sandow, secured $28 million Series B funding in April in a round led by Bain Capital Venture's Merritt Hummer, and includes previous investors Raine Ventures and Starwood Capital CEO and cofounder Barry Sternlicht. Material Bank has raised a total of $55 million in funding to date. 

These investors are betting that the design and construction material industry is waiting for the sort of e-commerce revolution that has changed the face of consumer retail. According to Material Bank, the bet is paying off, Sandow said that the company already has customers at almost 20% of Fortune 1000 companies, from cruise lines to tech companies to fast-food chains. 

Business Insider spoke with Sandow about why he switched from media to logistics, how the company is able to deliver so quickly, and why the pandemic has been good for business, even as some construction projects have stalled. 

" I want to set the bar for our industry in the same way that Amazon set the bar for e-commerce," Sandow told Business Insider. "Amazon forced the entire world to either adopt it or be roadkill."

Read more: A Bain Capital Ventures partner says construction tech is hot and short-term-rental startups are overhyped

The move from media to logistics

Sandow founded his parent company SANDOW in 2003. The company has now grown to include a design consulting firm, the NYCxDESIGN conference and multiple magazines, like Interior Design.

Sandow, always looking to expand, said that Material Bank was formed out of a range of conversations with both design firms and the manufacturers of design materials. His animating question was simple.

"How do we build next generation services, tools, and services that the industry will live on, and how do we leverage our media to grow that?" Sandow told Business Insider.

Adam Sandow, founder and CEO of Material Bank. Material Bank

Sandow decided to focus on the design materials industry. Designers searching for materials for samples to show their clients, and then order in bulk, would either need to reach out directly to multiple manufacturers or go to a physical location to see samples. Materials could take weeks to arrive, substantially lengthening the design and building process.

Sandow's idea was to create a marketplace that could bring together all of these disparate manufacturers and send materials directly to designers much more quickly than the status quo. Sandow told Business Insider that this would have been almost impossible to pull off if it wasn't for the connections his media company had made. 

"Anytime you start a marketplace, you have a chicken or the egg problem," Sandow said. 

The manufacturers will only join a marketplace if they know that there are potential customers already using the site, while potential customers will only use the site if there is a wide range of materials to purchase. 

Sandow said that the company's contacts helped convince manufacturers to join the marketplace before it even launched. 

How to ship tile overnight

While the company has attracted clients with an unprecedented aggregation of design materials, it is making its biggest bounds in logistics. 

The company's operations are based out of a warehouse that borders FedEx's central sorting hub at the Memphis International Airport. FedEx flies almost all of its planes through the hub, sending packages around the country.

For a company looking for next-level shipping speeds without an Amazon-sized shipping empire, there's no better spot. Sandow said that the company formed a partnership with FedEx early on by explaining that it was working to "build a game-changing business on your logistics backbone." 

Read more: Bond, which has raised $15 million from investors including Lightspeed, wants to become the Shopify of logistics by turning vacant retail space into warehouses

The factory itself is largely operated by robots, from Boston-based Locus Robotics, who do the majority of sorting and packing, which Sandow said has prevented the errors that can plague a logistics operation and made its super-fast delivery possible. Sandow said this has allowed the company to pay its warehouse staff $17.50 an hour in a state where the minimum wage is a mere $7.25.

The company ships samples in proprietary packaging that designers can use to return any unused samples for free.

The company receives orders up until midnight for delivery at 10:30 am the next day. Once the last order comes in at midnight, the company has 2 hours to fully pack up all orders and load them into a truck. Around 2:00 am, the truck drives a few minutes directly to the FedEx hub, where the packages are then loaded onto planes making overnight deliveries. FedEx then delivers the product later that morning.

Funding during a pandemic

Sandow said that the company began to search for more funding in January, when the full reality of the pandemic's impact was not yet realized. At the time, Sandow said that the company received a lot of inbound interest from VC firms who wanted a piece, but they chose Bain because of their clarity of vision for the product. 

Part of that clarity was seeing how Material Bank could "carry the industry through the pandemic and beyond." 

Material Bank was useful for both manufacturers and designers affected by the pandemic. For manufacturers, they could cut back on their fixed logistics and shipping costs by working with Material Bank, who instead makes money per each item sold. It also prevented them from having to deal with the headache of shipping materials during a global pandemic. 

For designers working from home, the company made it possible to continue designing and sampling materials from the kitchen table, instead of their corporate office. These designers could access Material Bank's full catalogue remotely, and by the next day, they could hold the tile or carpet in their hands, while retail showrooms remained closed. 

Sandow said that as a result, the company has seen record revenues each month since February. 

Read more: 

Original author: Alex Nicoll

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Billion Dollar Unicorns: TransferWise Turns Profitable - Sramana Mitra

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he doesn't know Ghislaine Maxwell, the alleged madam for disgraced sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who was arrested Thursday.The pair were photographed at an Oscars afterparty hosted by then-Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter on March 2, 2014."Don't know Ghislaine at all. She photobombed me once at a Vanity Fair party several years ago," Musk tweeted early Friday.A spokesperson for Musk had denied to Business Insider any connection between the two last August, saying Maxwell "inserted herself behind him ... without his knowledge."Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has once again denied knowing Ghislaine Maxwell, saying that a photo of them together in 2014 was a result of her photobombing him.

Maxwell, who allegedly groomed young girls for convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, was arrested by the FBI at her home in New Hampshire on Thursday.

"Don't know Ghislaine at all. She photobombed me once at a Vanity Fair party several years ago," Musk tweeted early Friday. "Real question is why VF invited her in the first place."

—Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 3, 2020

The tweet echoed remarks made by a spokesperson for Musk in August 2019.

"Ghislaine simply inserted herself behind him in a photo he was posing for without his knowledge," they told Business Insider.

The photo — taken at an Oscars afterparty hosted by then-Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter on March 2, 2014, in West Hollywood — caused many to question Musk's link to the British socialite.

Epstein — who killed himself in jail in August 2019 — claimed in 2018 to a New York Times reporter that he had given advice to Musk while he debated taking Tesla provider.

Musk's spokesperson denied the claim.

Original author: Bill Bostock

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Gears of War joins list of games getting a Netflix adaptation

Hello and welcome back to Equity, TechCrunch’s venture capital-focused podcast, where we unpack the numbers behind the headlines.

Before we dive in, don’t forget that the show is on Twitter now, so follow us there if you want to see discarded headline ideas, outtakes from the that got cut, and more. It’s fun!

Back to task, listen, we’re tired too. But we didn’t let that stop us from packing this week’s Equity to the very gills with news and notes and jokes and fun. Hopefully you can chuckle along with myself and Natasha and Danny and Chris on the dials as we riffed through all of this:

Journalism, venture capitalists, and not being a colossal jerk: Listen in for more, but there’s once again a brouhaha in the world of technology twitter and media twitter concerning whether journalists should write more positive things about tech companies (no), and if venture capitalists are a bit too thin-skinned for their net worth (yes).Lemonade’s IPO went kaboom out of the gate, more than doubling in value. But the CEO isn’t too worried. I spoke with him before we recorded and he was more interested in getting a bedrock of solid, long-term investors than extracting every possible dollar in their raise. And Lemonade had a bunch of money already, so it wasn’t a huge concern.We also spent a minute on the possible Uber-Postmates deal, that could get announced early next week. That or Postmates really is serious about going public. We’ll see.Next up we had to talk about Mirror, Lululemon, and what’s up with home fitness. Is the trend here to stay? Natasha thinks so, and the rest of the crew are pretty bullish as well. Especially as it is not like we are going to get back to life anytime soon.After that it was time to get to a few funding rounds, including the latest from Neo.Tax, and a check-in on the early-stage Lessonbee, which sounds really cool.We also crammed in a quick word on Contrary Capital and startup mafias, the Envision accelerator, Discord’s latest $100 million round, and we closed with the Final Luckin Letdown.Whew!

Right, that’s our ep. Hugs from the team and have a lovely weekend. You are all tremendous and we appreciate you spending part of your day with the four of us.

Equity drops every Monday at 7:00 AM PT and Friday at 6:00 am PT, so subscribe to us on Apple PodcastsOvercastSpotify and all the casts.

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Dating app S’More adds blurred video calling and launches in LA

The pandemic hasn’t slowed down dating app S’More — at least according to CEO Adam Cohen-Aslatei, who said that the app’s daily active user count doubled in March and hasn’t gone down since.

“When people are working form home, they have much more time to dedicate to their relationships,” Cohen-Aslatei told me.

The app (whose name is short for “something more”) launched last fall and has supposedly attracted nearly 50,000 users. The goal is to move beyond the superficiality of most dating apps, where you first learn about another user and then unlock visual elements (like a profile photo) as you interact.

Cohen-Aslatei said the team has also spent more on marketing to attract a diverse audience, both in terms of racial diversity (something S’more reinforces by not allowing users to filter by race) and sexual orientation, with 15% of users identifying as LGBTQ.

Of course, dating someone new can be challenging when meeting up in-person poses real health risks, but Cohen-Aslatei said S’More users have gotten creative, like remote dinners where they order each other takeout from their favorite restaurants. And now that things are reopening (though some of those reopenings are getting pulled back), users are asking, “How do we transition these virtual relationships into IRL?”

Image Credits: S’More

To give users more ways to interact, the S’More team recently launched a video calling feature. But Cohen-Aslatei noted, “We had to to create it in a way that was really fitting for our app … Women actually don’t want to see a guy right away, when you don’t know if they’re a creep.”

So in S’more’s video calling, the video is blurred for the first two minutes, which means you’ve got to actually start an interesting conversation before you can see who you’re talking to, and before they see you (a concept that may be familiar to viewers of Netflix’s dating show “Love is Blind”).

S’More has also expanded geographically, launching last week in Los Angeles (it was already available in Boston, Washington, D.C., New York and Chicago). And it recently started its a video series of its own on Instagram’s IGTV — the S’More Live Happy Hour, where celebrities offer dating advice.

“There’s this negative history of dating apps perpetuating negative online behaviors, fake images, catfishers,” Cohen-Aslatei said. “But now we’re going into a new era of authenticity, where we’re going from super vain to super authentic. S’more is one of those apps that’s going to lead you in that direction.”

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Upwork Focuses on Remote Working Opportunities - Sramana Mitra

The growing adoption of remote work across organizations has helped organizations like Upwork (NASDAQ: UPWK) tremendously. As organizations become more open to the idea of workforce flexibility,...


Original author: MitraSramana

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US plans to rollback special status may erode Hong Kong’s startup ecosystem

For two months, the people of Hong Kong waited in suspense after China’s legislature approved a new national security law. The legislation’s details were finally made public yesterday and almost immediately went into effect. As many Hong Kong residents feared, the broadly written new law gives Beijing extensive authority over the Special Administrative Region and has the potential to sharply curtail civil liberties.

In response, the United States began the first measures to end the special status it gives to Hong Kong, with the Commerce and State Departments suspending export license exceptions for sensitive U.S. technology and blocking the export of defense equipment.

Much remains uncertain. Hong Kong had also previously enjoyed many freedoms that do not exist in mainland China, under the “one country, two systems” principle put into place after the United Kingdom returned control to China. After announcing the new policies, the U.S. government said further restrictions are being considered. Under special status, Hong Kong had privileges including lower trade tariffs and a separate customs and immigration designation from mainland China, but now the future of those is unclear.

Equally opaque is how the erosion of special status and the new national security law will impact Hong Kong’s startups in the future. In conversations with TechCrunch, investors and founders said they believe the region’s ecosystem is resilient, partly because many companies offer online services — especially financial services — and have already established operations in other markets. But they are also keeping an eye on further developments and preparing for the possibility that key talent will want to relocate to other countries.

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Meta layoffs hit an entire ML research team focused on infrastructure

Sramana Mitra: When you talk about autonomous vehicles as a use case, the processing is happening on the vehicle-specific manner in a central unit, or is the actual processing happening at the...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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Cyberhaven releases data detection and response tool to stop insider threats

Colin Huang, the 40-year-old founder of ecommerce giant Pinduoduo, is currently China's third-richest person.Huang on July 1 stepped down as chief executive of Pinduoduo, which has managed to rack up a market cap of more than $100 billion in less than five years.Pinduoduo is a gamified online marketplace that connects buyers and sellers and has a market value of $101 billion — more than Uber or Sony. Huang, who owns 29.4% of the company, is currently worth more than $40 billion.Huang's first full-time job was at Google. He resigned in 2007, and has since been a serial entrepreneur.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Colin Huang isn't a household name outside of China, but he's a serious challenger to Alibaba founder Jack Ma and Tencent founder and CEO Pony Ma for the title of China's richest man.

Huang has just stepped down as the chief executive of Pinduoduo, a gamified online marketplace connecting buyers and sellers. It's popular in China and has a market cap of more than $100 billion, giving it a higher valuation than Uber or Sony.

People buy items on Pinduoduo such as iPhones at sale price while playing games, and rope in friends to "group-buy" groceries at huge discounts. Pinduoduo takes a small commission and charges sellers to promote their products on its app, but doesn't hold any stock.

Huang, 40, founded the company in 2015. It's grown rapidly ever since, and listed in July 2018.

Huang's fortune has exploded since. His net worth is up by $25 billion in 2020, and shares in Pinduoduo climbed to an all-time high of $87.58 on the Nasdaq on June 19.

On June 21, Forbes' Real-Time Billionaire Index showed Huang, worth $45.4 billion, briefly surpassing Alibaba's Jack Ma, worth $43.9 billion, to become China's second-richest man after Tencent's Pony Ma. Huang soon slipped back into third place and currently he is 23rd on the global Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Keep reading to learn more about the life of Pinduoduo billionaire Colin Huang.

Original author: Lu-Hai Liang

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One chart shows how different the internet landscape looks in China

Good morning! This is the tech news you need to know this Friday.

FILE PHOTO: Jeff Bezos, founder of Blue Origin and CEO of Amazon, speaks about the future plans of Blue Origin in Washington Reuters Leaked emails show Amazon is delaying Prime Day again to October as concerns grow that a new COVID-19 demand spike may hit supply chains. Amazon is postponing its annual Prime Day shopping event to October, the third delay this year.A Facebook recruiter filed a federal complaint alleging the company is biased against Black employees and job candidates. The recruiter and two rejected job applicants filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission accusing the company of discriminating against Black workers.Police say they cracked a secret, global chat system used to plot murders and money laundering and have made hundreds of arrests. The UK's National Crime Agency on Thursday said it had made 746 arrests and seized £54 million in cash, 77 firearms, and 2 metric tons of drugs.Elon Musk thinks the surge in coronavirus cases is due to testing errors, but a virologist is debunking that as 'dangerous misinformation.' The Tesla boss said on Twitter that testing errors, rather than new infections, are causing the new surge of coronavirus cases.Palantir has raised more than $500 million in fresh funding as the secretive and controversial startup works toward a possible IPO. The company was said to be preparing for a September IPO, and it's unclear how the new funding affects those plans.UK investors are betting on a deep tech boom after startups across automation, AI, and quantum computing raised $3.3 billion in 2019. Venture capital investors say cheaper access and improvements in underlying technology make it easier to bet on deep technology startups.The UK's Future Fund bailout package for startups during COVID-19 is being extended and won't have a formal cap either on amount or the number of companies who can receive aid. One startup founder told Business Insider that it took around ten days from applying to the fund to receiving the money.India's Reliance Jio is launching a video chat service called JioMeet to compete with Zoom. The Facebook-backed company, which recently raised $15.2 billion, will let up to 100 users onto calls in HD quality, TechCrunch reported. Ethiopia's government shut down the entire country's internet and 80 people have been killed in protests following the assassination of a popular musician. The subsequent protests have resulted in an internet shutdown for around 102 million people. Social care startup Lifted has almost $2 million in seed funding from Fuel Ventures. Lifted's app tells users who will be providing their care and lets them leave feedback.

Have an Amazon Alexa device? Now you can hear 10 Things in Tech each morning. Just search for "Business Insider" in your Alexa's flash briefing settings.

You can also subscribe to this newsletter here — just tick "10 Things in Tech You Need to Know."

Original author: Callum Burroughs

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Catching Up On Readings: Startup Battlefield Australia - Sramana Mitra

It's easy to uninstall Microsoft OneNote from your Windows or Mac computer if you no longer want to use the program. You can uninstall OneNote from your Windows PC through your computer Settings using the "Add or remove programs" section.To uninstall OneNote on a Mac, drag OneNote to the Trash from within the Finder. Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

OneNote is a popular note-taking app that's available on both the Mac and Windows as a free download or as part of a Microsoft 365 subscription. 

If you install OneNote on your computer and later decide you no longer want to use it – perhaps you intend to switch to the web-based Evernote instead – you can uninstall it to free up room on your computer's hard drive. 

Here's how to do it on a Mac and Windows PC. 

How to uninstall OneNote from a Windows computer

1. Click Start. 

2. Pick the Settings icon, which is shaped like a small gear. 

3. When the Settings window appears, locate the "Find a setting" search box at the top and type "add or remove." 

4. Click "Add or remove programs." 

This will appear in the drop-down menu. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

5. Scroll through the list of installed programs and find OneNote or type "OneNote" in the "Search this list" box to filter the results.

6. Click OneNote and then click "Uninstall."

7. Confirm your choice to uninstall.  

OneNote will be uninstalled from your PC. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

8. Select OneNote and then click "Uninstall."

How to uninstall OneNote from a Mac computer

1. In the Finder, click "Applications." You should see a list of all the apps installed on your computer.

2. Find OneNote and drag it to the Tash.

Make sure it lands in the Trash and not on your Dock. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

3. If you have OneNote in the Dock on the desktop, drop the icon from the Dock to the Trash as well.

Original author: Dave Johnson

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Security and HR teams must work together in a hybrid work world

Quibi is the latest video streaming service to arrive on your phone, alongside established players like Netflix and Hulu. 

And like other streaming services, Quibi has multiple payment tiers. This means that you choose how much you want to pay for it, based on what sort of features you want.

Quibi only has two payment levels, and the only difference between them is that one tier shows you ads for $4.99 a month, while the other has no ads for $7.99 a month.

Here's how to upgrade to Quibi's ad-free service, using the Quibi app on your iPhone or Android device.

How to watch Quibi without ads by upgrading your subscription

You need to already have a Quibi subscription, which you can sign up for on Quibi's home screen after installing Quibi for iOS or Quibi for Android. 

1. In the Quibi app, tap the account settings icon at the top-right of the screen. 

Start by tapping the account icon at the top-right of the screen. It's next to the casting icon. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

2. Tap "My Account."

3. Tap "Change Subscription Plan."

4. Tap "Quibi (Ad Free)."

When you upgrade to Quibi's ad-free service, you'll pay an additional $3 per month. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

5. Confirm you want to change your subscription by tapping "Change to Ad Free" in the pop-up window. 

Tap "Change to Ad Free" to complete the upgrade process. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

When your next bill comes, you'll be charged $7.99.

Original author: Dave Johnson

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How embracing automation could change the future of work

If you need to communicate with a large number of people at once, group emails are a must. Luckily, Yahoo Mail makes setting up group emails incredibly easy. 

The quick way to create a single group email is to enter multiple email addresses in the "To" field when you send an email. Every address will receive the email, and they can all respond back.

But Yahoo Mail also gives you the option to make group mailing lists, which will let you send off group emails with even greater ease.

Here's how to create group email lists in Yahoo Mail, using any browser on your Mac or PC.

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Apple Macbook Pro (From $1,299.00 at Apple)

Acer Chromebook 15 (From $179.99 at Walmart)

 How to create a group email list in Yahoo Mail

1. Sign into Yahoo mail, and then click on the "Contacts" icon in the top-right corner of your inbox.

2. Click "Lists," then hit "Create list."

Select the "Create List" option in your Contacts menu. Steven John/Business Insider

3. Name the list, then search for the names you want to add using the search bar beneath "Add contacts." Note that they'll need to have been added to your contact list already. If they aren't a contact, head back to the main Contacts screen and click "Add a new contact" at the bottom.

You can start an email list with only one contact and add more later. Steven John/Business Insider

4. Click "Save."

5. To add or remove members, go to the Lists menu again and click "Edit" next the list you want to change.

6. To send a group email, select "Compose" and then in the "To" field enter the name of the email list you created. Write and send your email like you would any other.

You can also put your list in the CC or BCC fields. Steven John/Business Insider

Original author: Steven John

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Rylo's 360-degree camera is a tiny package with a lot of promise and cool tricks

You can easily delete a notebook in OneNote when you no longer need it.If you might want the information in the notebook again in the future, you can remove it from OneNote without permanently deleting it from your computer.  You can't delete notebooks from OneNote, so you will need to find it using File Explorer and remove it from there. Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

Because OneNote allows you to create a different notebook for each major project, you might end up creating a lot of them to keep your information organized. If you complete a project and no longer need the notebook anymore, you can delete it from OneNote. 

If you don't need to see a notebook in OneNote, you can remove it from the app without permanently deleting it. This lets you add it back later if you ever need to see it again. But if you want to delete a notebook permanently, it's important to note that there's no tool in OneNote to do this, so you'll need to do it using Windows. 

If you're unsure where to find the notebook you want to delete, you can locate it by clicking your current notebook to display the drop-down list of all your notebooks. Select "More Notebooks…" before pointing your mouse over the notebook you want to delete, and waiting for the hover text to appear. 

Hovering over the Notebook will help you locate it in your file finder. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

You should be able to determine what folder it's stored in by looking at the URL OneNote is using to describe the location. Once you've located the OneNote notebook you want to delete, here's how to remove it. 

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Microsoft Office (From $149.99 at Microsoft)

Acer Chromebook 15 (From $179.99 at Walmart)

How to remove a notebook in OneNote without deleting it

1. In OneNote, click the current notebook to display the drop-down list of all your notebooks. 

2. Right-click the notebook you want to remove. 

3. In the menu, choose "Close this Notebook."

You can remove a notebook from OneNote without permanently deleting it. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

4. The notebook isn't deleted, and you can re-open in OneNote later if you want to. 

How to permanently delete a notebook in OneNote

1. Open a File Explorer window and navigate to where your notebooks are located. In most cases, they will be stored in the Documents folder in a subfolder called "OneNote Notebooks." 

You can also find OneNote notebooks on OneDrive in the Apps or OneNote folders. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

2. Select the OneNote folder you want to delete.

3. Press the Delete key on your keyboard. 

4. Confirm that you want to delete it if OneNote prompts you. 

Original author: Dave Johnson

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Qualified raises $51M to help Salesforce users improve their sales and marketing conversations

Entrepreneurs are invited to the 493rd FREE online 1Mby1M mentoring roundtable on Thursday, July 9, 2020, at 8 a.m. PDT/11 a.m. EDT/5 p.m. CEST/8:30 p.m. India IST. If you are a serious entrepreneur,...


Original author: Maureen Kelly

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3 things that need to happen for Web3 to (really) take off

To export Audacity files as MP3s, you just need to use the "Export" option in the program's "File" menu.Older versions of Audacity can't export MP3s natively, and you'll need to install an add-on called the "LAME MP3 encoder" to do so.When you export an Audacity file as an MP3 track, you can specify its name, artist, genre, and more.Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

Audacity is a popular audio-editing program that's free, powerful, and easy to use. 

Using Audacity, you can produce music, podcasts, and other audio projects without needing to buy an expensive commercial audio program. 

When your audio project is completed, though, you typically need to save it as an MP3 so it can be published and shared.

Luckily, exporting Audacity files as MP3s only takes a moment. Here's how to do it using Audacity on your Mac or PC.

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Apple Macbook Pro (From $1,299.00 at Apple)

Acer Chromebook 15 (From $179.99 at Walmart)

How to export Audacity files as MP3s

1. In Audacity, click "File" at the top of the screen.

2. In the drop-down menu, click "Export" and then choose "Export as MP3."

Save your audio as an MP3 via the Export menu. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

3. At the bottom of the dialog box in the Format Options section, choose your MP3 settings. As a general rule, you'll get the best results by choosing "Constant" for the "Bit Rate Mode" rather than one of the variable bitrate options. Choose the bitrate from the "Quality" drop-down menu (if in doubt, choose 192 kbps or higher) and then save your file. 

For best results, save your file as a constant bitrate MP3 at 192 kbps or higher. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

4. In the "Edit Metadata Tags" window, fill in as much information as you desire about your MP3 file. This data is entirely optional, but will be visible if you import your file into programs like iTunes. Click "OK" when you're done.

This metadata may be visible in certain audio apps. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

How to export Audacity files as MP3s using older versions of Audacity

In older versions of Audacity, you couldn't convert audio to MP3 without first installing an MP3 encoder add-on to your Mac or PC. This is because the encoding library was protected by a patent, and couldn't legally be included with Audacity. 

The patent has expired, though, and the most current version of Audacity includes the MP3 encoder. If you have an older version of Audacity, you can install the LAME MP3 encoder, and then restart Audacity.

However, it's easier to just install the latest version of Audacity. If you do, not only will you get built-in MP3 exports, but you'll receive an improved version of Audacity as well.

Original author: Dave Johnson

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Will fintech unicorn Flywire’s proposed IPO reach escape velocity?

To turn on subtitles on Quibi, tap a playing video before tapping the "CC" button at the bottom of the screen. Quibi allows you to enable subtitles or closed captions at any time while you're viewing video content. Quibi also offers a way to turn Quibi subtitles on and mute your video by swiping up on the screen and releasing your finger directly over the mute icon.Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

When you're watching video on your phone in an app like Quibi, subtitles — sometimes called "Closed Captioning" — is not merely a convenient tool to make the audio more accessible. It also allows you to play video silently and still follow the action. 

There are two ways to use subtitles in Quibi. You can either enable them while watching a video ordinarily or simultaneously mute audio and turn on captions with a single swipe.

When you enable subtitles and captions, you'll be offered the chance to choose between English and English (CC). The close captions feature both dialogue and various descriptions, such as sound effects and musical cues, while the English option contains only the dialogue. 

Here is how to do both. 

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

iPhone 11 (From $699.99 at Apple)

Samsung Galaxy S10 (From $699.99 at Walmart)

How to turn on subtitles on Quibi

1. Start watching a video on the Quibi app.

2. If you don't see the player controls, tap the screen.

3. At the bottom of the screen, tap "CC."

Tap the screen to see the CC control at the bottom of the display. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

4. Tap the language you want. 

You can choose which language setting to use in the CC menu. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

5. Turn off Closed Captioning the same way.

How to mute the audio and turn on subtitles on Quibi

1. Start watching a video in the Quibi app.

2. Tap the video and, without lifting your finger, swipe upwards. 

3. When an icon appears that looks like a muted speaker, move your finger over it and release your finger. The audio should immediately mute, and captions should appear. 

Tap and swipe upward to reveal a "hidden" menu for turning on subtitles. Dave Johnson/Business Insider


Original author: Dave Johnson

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How to become a cloud company

You can save a OneNote notebook as a PDF, but if you update the notebook, those changes will not be reflected in the PDF. To save the OneNote notebook as a PDF, choose "Print" from the menu at the OneNote window's top right. If you have an older version of OneNote, you'll find the PDF option in the Export menu in the left sidebar. The process for saving an entire OneNote notebook, section, or page as a PDF is the same. Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

OneNote is a convenient tool for doing research, taking notes, and organizing information. Occasionally, you might want to share these notes with someone else, but you don't want the recipient to make changes to your content. 

Instead of using OneNote's Share feature, you can save a notebook as a PDF instead. OneNote lets you share the entire notebook as a PDF, just a section, or even a single page.

Keep in mind that if you update a notebook, the changes will not be reflected in the PDF. You should also be careful to select just the part of the notebook you want to save as a PDF – if you only intend to save a page as a PDF but save an entire section, for example, you might share information you didn't mean to with someone.

If you're ready to share your OneNote notebook as a PDF, here's how to do it. 

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Microsoft Office (From $149.99 at Microsoft)

How to save a OneNote as a PDF

1. Launch OneNote. 

2. Open the notebook you want to share by clicking the currently selected notebook and choosing the correct notebook from the drop-down menu. 

Choose the notebook you want to share as a PDF Dave Johnson/Business Insider

3. If you are sharing the entire notebook, go to the next step. Otherwise, navigate to the part of the notebook you want to share. 

4. Click the three dots at the top right of the window and choose "Print."

Choose Print because we will be printing the document as a PDF file. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

5. In the Print window under the Printer section, click the currently selected printer and then, in the drop-down menu, select "Microsoft Print to PDF."

6. In the Pages section, click the menu and choose whether you want to turn the current page, section, or notebook into a PDF. 

Select the section of the notebook you want to print. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

7. Click "Print."

8. In the Save Print Output As dialog box, choose where to save your new PDF. 

How to save OneNote as a PDF if you have an older version of OneNote

If you are using an older version of OneNote, the PDF feature might be located in a different place. If your version of OneNote has the sidebar menu on the left side of the screen with options for Info, New, Open, Print, Share, Export, and Send, click "Export" and then follow the directions to choose the part of the document and the PDF option.   

You can find the PDF option in the Export section of OneNote's older versions. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

Original author: Dave Johnson

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White House launches new Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Sprint to bridge the cyber skills gap 

To forward an email in Yahoo Mail, you'll just need to click or tap the Forwarding icon, and then enter an email address.When you forward an email in Yahoo Mail, you can include your own message along with it.Forwarding an email will also include any attachments that were in the original email.Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

If the ability to forward emails suddenly disappeared, sending emails would become much more annoying.

Forwarding allows you to share emails and attachments you've received with anyone else, without having to type the entire email out again.

Yahoo Mail makes it particularly easy to forward emails, and that's true whether you're using it on your Mac, PC, iPhone, or Android device.

Here's what you should know.

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

iPhone 11 (From $699.99 at Apple)

Samsung Galaxy S10 (From $699.99 at Walmart)

Apple Macbook Pro (From $1,299.00 at Apple)

Acer Chromebook 15 (From $179.99 at Walmart)

How to forward an email in Yahoo Mail on your Mac or PC

1. In your inbox, click on the email you want to forward to open it.

2. With the email open, click the arrow pointing to the right — there's one above the email subject line and one below the text.

There are two forwarding icons. Steven John/Business Insider

3. Enter the email addresses you want to forward the email to, add any message you'd like, and hit "Send." 

How to forward an email in Yahoo Mail on your iPhone or Android device

1. In the Yahoo Mail app, open the email you want to forward, and then tap the three dots in the bottom-right corner.

2. Tap "Forward."

Select the "Forward" option. William Antonelli/Business Insider

3. Enter the email addresses you want to forward the email to, add any message you want, and then hit the "Send" button in the top-right.

Original author: Steven John

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