
An Animal Lover’s Beautiful Journey: Elephant Pants CEO Nathan Coleman (Part 3) - Sramana Mitra

Sramana Mitra: Was the value proposition that you were going to contribute a portion of this to the cause of saving elephants? Nathan Coleman: Exactly. That was the mission from day one. We sell...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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Tracking viewer responses to media, Cinemmerse wants to set the stage for ‘responsive’ entertainment

 Wendy Dent has a dream. The Australian founder, chief executive and sole employee of Cinemmerse wants to change the way folks think about how they watch everything from advertisements to art films. Read More

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Rapportive founder’s new startup Superhuman is what Gmail would be if built today

 Reinventing the email experience is an area numerous startups have tried to tackle over the years, with some apps focused more on triage, others on making a better desktop alternative to Outlook, and still more aiming to re-envision email as a mobile-first product, among other ideas. A new startup called Superhuman, from the founder of Gmail add-on Rapportive acquired in 2012 by LinkedIn,… Read More

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Y Combinator-backed VIDA turns artwork into fashion, accessories and more

 VIDA, an e-commerce startup that allows artists to upload their designs to be printed on real-world materials – like fabric, leather, metal and more – which are then sold as unique products, has grown its community of artists to over 100,000 members since its launch a few years ago. The company is now participating in startup accelerator Y Combinator, following its recent… Read More

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Thought Leaders in Artificial Intelligence: John Price, CEO of Vast (Part 2) - Sramana Mitra

John Price: Back to your question, there were no platforms out there to do this with. We had to start with the raw tools that were out there. Then we had to start with the data and focus on our core...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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Immersv raises $10.5M to shake up mobile advertising with some VR flair

 While VR has shown consumers a great deal of what’s possible when it comes to immersive experiences, the world of potential that VR opens to advertisers has not been explored so heavily,Immersv, a mobile 360 VR ad network, wants to use the strengths of VR to improve mobile advertising, not only on headset but smartphones as well. For now, the startup is focusing on pre-roll and… Read More

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Billion Dollar Unicorns: Yext Makes it to the Club and on the Exchange - Sramana Mitra

An emarketer report published earlier this year estimates the US digital ad spending to grow from $83 billion in 2017 to $129.23 billion in 2021. Mobile is expected to remain the biggest driver of...


Original author: MitraSramana

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An Animal Lover’s Beautiful Journey: Elephant Pants CEO Nathan Coleman (Part 2) - Sramana Mitra

Nathan Coleman: We reached out to different elephant organizations, one of which was the African Wildlife Foundation. We wanted to find a way to help these elephants. I don’t think they thought we...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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Virtual telescope company Slooh is ready for the eclipse

 Slooh, a Connecticut-based company, makes it easy and now free to look at the night sky through any one of dozens of telescopes around the world. To use the service you simply log in and pick a telescope. If you want to take control you can begin to point the telescope at various spots in space or you can simply go along for the ride while a professional astronomer takes the reins. Slooh… Read More

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Original Tech helps banks offer better loan applications

 Americans apply for more than 250 million new financial products each year, but the majority of those applications are completed on paper or over the phone. A startup called Original Tech wants to change that by providing white-label software to improve loan applications completed online. Read More

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‘Airbnb for boats’ startup Boatsetter buys competitor Boatbound

 You don’t have to be rich or T-Pain to be “on a boat.” You can rent one plus a captain for the day from Boatsetter. And now it’s got boats in more than 300 locations around the U.S. since it just acquired rival maritime marketplace Boatbound. Read More

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LiftIgniter raises $6.4M to bring website personalization to the rest of the internet

 You’ve probably had the experience of going to a website and seeing a lot of content that’s not really relevant. For the most part, a lot of this is organized in a way that’s either pre-defined or based on a limited number of signals that aims to sort of personalize the experience for a normal user. But as time goes on and the competition for eyeballs continues to heat up,… Read More

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Bitcoin wallet ‘Blockchain’ adds Ethereum support

 This isn’t a game of bingo, the company called Blockchain is maintaining the world’s most popular bitcoin wallet. And starting today, Blockchain users will also be able to create Ethereum wallets and hold ethers. Blockchain isn’t a centralized exchange like Coinbase or Kraken. It is simply a wallet so that you can safely story all your cryptocurrencies. Compared to many… Read More

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B2B platform Releaf helps African businesses by taking the guesswork out of networking

 Releaf is a new B2B marketplace that wants to help African businesses prosper by helping them find partners they can trust. The startup, which is currently taking part in Y Combinator, has signed up about 1,000 businesses since its public launch in Nigeria on August 3. Read More

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Coup launches new electric scooter service in Paris and faces off with Cityscoot

 Coup is launching its second city for its electronic scooter-sharing service. You can now find hundreds of Coup scooters in Paris. The company is going to compete with Cityscoot, a similar service that has been around for a while. While the city’s bike-sharing service has been around for a decade in Paris, scooter-sharing is something new. Coup has acquired around 600 electronic… Read More

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Fat Lama is a platform to lend and borrow anything

 Part of YC’s Summer ’17 class, Fat Lama wants to be a rental marketplace for anything. Launched late last year in London, the startup has gained early traction among professionals needing short-term rentals of creative gear – like drones, cameras or DJ equipment. But the platform is also filled with weirder goods – like a tuxedo, camper van or popcorn machine. Items… Read More

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What Are The Limits of Tolerance?

August 17, 2017

I’ve had an emotionally challenging morning so far. I woke up too early and was deeply agitated. I tried to get rolling, couldn’t, and went back to bed. But I wasn’t able to fall asleep and my brain kept cycling on all the political chaos and societal hatred that is going on. I’ve tried to compartmentalize it but it broke through again the last couple of days after Charlottesville.

I got up and realized the Internet was down. I decided to just go running. Two minutes in, Brooks came up lame and I walked him back home. I started again with Cooper but my left knee was a little twingey so I decided to bail and take a few rest days. The Internet was still down.

Amy and I then spent time at breakfast talking about how to reconcile the intolerable. I felt a little better and was helped by Fred Wilson’s post If You Lie Down With Dogs, You Come Up With Fleas and Mark Suster’s post Finding My Tribe — The Upside of the Downcast Year.

I’m off to grind through a massive backlog of email today. I leave you with a beautiful video of the eclipse from 2015.

Also published on Medium.

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Original author: Brad Feld

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Ripcord’s $40 million Series B will pay for more file digitizing robots and human jobs

 Bay Area startup Ripcord just scored a $40 million Series B, following its successful launch earlier this year. By all accounts, the company has apparently hit the ground running with its decidedly unsexy goal of using robots to digitize paper records for large corporations and organizations. According to CEO Alex Fielding, Ripcord already has a number of Fortune 100 companies on board,… Read More

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Thought Leaders in Artificial Intelligence: John Price, CEO of Vast (Part 1) - Sramana Mitra

John is an AI industry veteran, and has both exciting new trends to share, as well as cautionary guidance to offer. Sramana Mitra: Let’s start by introducing our audience to Vast and yourself. John...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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Indian Online Fashion Retailer LimeRoad Focuses on SMB - Sramana Mitra

According to Grant Thornton India, the Indian fashion retail industry has evolved rapidly over the past decade propelled by investments to the tune of $13 billion flowing into the sector. Of this,...


Original author: Sramana_Mitra

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