Associated Press

It's been a year of turmoil for Uber, as the company has careened from one crises to another. 

Since February, when Susan Fowler released her now infamous blog post, the ride-hailing company has lost a deep bench of its top executives — each leaving the company for different reasons.

Uber now has a new CEO in former Expedia CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, who started on the job two weeks ago.

Given the number of vacancies at the top of his org, he may not have to ask for the resignations of a large number of people in order to bring in his own hand-picked team.

Yet it's also clear that the exodus isn't entirely over yet, as just this month Uber's compliance officer, top lawyer and others have said that they, too, are leaving.

Here's an updated tally of who has left the company and why since February.