Talking About Entrepreneurship and Mental Health With David Cohen

This week’s #GiveFirst Podcast episode with @bfeld & @davidcohen takes a deep dive into stress and its impact on founders. 🎧➡️:

— Techstars (@Techstars) September 7, 2022

David Cohen and I have co-hosted the Give First podcast for 71 episodes. I think our host ratio is 80/20 David/Brad, and he’s covered everything in 2021 because I was burned out on all things public-facing and needed a break.

He figured a good way to get me back in the mix would be to interview me about entrepreneurship and mental health, so that’s what Episode 71 is about.

Listen & subscribe to the Give First podcast on Apple PodcastsSpotify, and more.

The post Talking About Entrepreneurship and Mental Health With David Cohen appeared first on Brad Feld.

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