
Catching Up On Readings: Cool Vendors 2017 - Sramana Mitra

Elon Musk wants to give you free bitcoin — at least, that's what his Twitter account said on Wednesday.

Don't trust him.

The Tesla founder's account was one of numerous high-profile accounts on the social network that were compromised as part of a remarkable, far-reaching hack that attempted to scam people into sending payments in the bitcoin digital currency.

The hack underscored the vulnerability of social media services like Twitter, which are used by world leaders and government agencies to communicate with the public. The breach was so serious that Twitter was forced to briefly disable all tweeting from verified accounts on Wednesday.

The FBI has launched an investigation into the incident and Congress wants answers from Twitter's management.

As of writing on Friday afternoon, here what we do and don't know about what happened.

Who's been hacked?

Lots of famous people. And some companies.

Joe Biden, Jeff Bezos, Apple's official account, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Uber, Wiz Khalifa, Floyd Mayweather, Cash App, MrBeast, XXXTentacion, parody account TheTweetOfGod ... the list goes on and on.

The hackers targeted high-profile accounts that had the potential to spread the scam as far as possible. 

130 accounts were targeted, Twitter said in a statement on Thursday, though not all of them were compromised.

How did they get hacked?

The hackers got access to Twitter's internal tools, then used them to wreak havoc. 

Late Wednesday evening, Twitter said it had uncovered "what we believe to be a coordinated social engineering attack by people who successfully targeted some of our employees with access to internal systems and tools." Those with access to those tools, "ostensibly Twitter employees," have the ability to reset email addresses associated with accounts, as TechCrunch reported.

What do the hacked messages look like?

Like this:

No, Obama is not going to give you free bitcoin. BI

What steps has Twitter taken in response?

As the hack escalated, Twitter took the unprecedented step on Wednesday of blocking all verified accounts from tweeting temporarily, as it worked to secure its services.

It has also locked the affected accounts until their owners can satisfactorily identify themselves and take back control. Its data download feature has also been temporarily disabled.

"We have also been taking aggressive steps to secure our systems while our investigations are ongoing," Twitter said on Thursday. "We're still in the process of assessing longer-term steps that we may take and will share more details as soon as we can."

CEO Jack Dorsey also chimed in on the incident in a tweet on Wednesday evening, calling it a "tough day for us at Twitter." He wrote: "We all feel terrible this happened. We're diagnosing and will share everything we can when we have a more complete understanding of exactly what happened."

What's the scam?

Generally, the compromised accounts posted a tweet saying they're feeling generous (or some other similar motivation), and falsely claiming that if people send them bitcoin to their address, they'll resend them double back. 

Should I send them bitcoin?


Who's behind the hack?

The identity of the hacker(s) are still unknown, but more details are slowly coming to light. 

In a New York Times report on Friday, individuals who claimed to be involved alleged that a figure going by the name "Kirk" first gained access to the internal Twitter tools and then told others about it. He is purported to have obtained login details to the tools from an internal Twitter Slack channel he gained access to.

"Kirk" began by selling access to coveted "OG" usernames, before things escalated to the bitcoin scam that attracted international attention.

Were any countries involved? 

People are not currently suggesting that the hack was the work of a nation state, as some previous attacks on tech companies and digital infrastructure have been. Well-respected cybersecurity reporter Brian Krebs reported that at least one of the figures involved may have been a 21-year-old man from Liverpool, England — though there has yet to be any official confirmation, arrests, or attribution from Twitter or other authorities. 

What was the fallout?

A lot of people are demanding answers. 

The FBI is investigating, as is New York state, and Congress wants a briefing from Twitter about what went down. Meanwhile, the company is still trying to understand the full extent of the damage, and repair user trust that was damaged by the most extensive (known) hack in its history.

Got a tip? Contact Business Insider reporter Rob Price via encrypted messaging app Signal (+1 650-636-6268), encrypted email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), standard email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Telegram/Wickr/WeChat (robaeprice), or Twitter DM (@robaeprice). We can keep sources anonymous. Use a non-work device to reach out. PR pitches by standard email only, please.

Original author: Rob Price and Charles Davis

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September 7 – 366th 1Mby1M Mentoring Roundtable for Entrepreneurs - Sramana Mitra

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk seems to prefer to keep his personal life under wraps. It wasn't until 2017 that he opened up in an intensely candid Rolling Stone profile. Musk discussed topics he usually doesn't, from his breakup with actress Amber Heard to his strained relationship with his father.Musk appears to be close with his mother, Maye, his sister, Tosca, and his brother, Kimbal. But he has had a stormy personal life at times as well. He's been divorced three times and his name has been recently dragged into a high-profile lawsuit between Heard and actor Johnny Depp.These days, Musk is dating musician Grimes and the couple just had a baby together.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

In 2010, Elon Musk said he would "rather stick a fork in my hand than write about my personal life."

But the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX is a fascinating figure, and over the years, he's opened up here and there about his childhood, his parents, and his relationships.

Musk got uncharacteristically candid for perhaps the first time in an in-depth Rolling Stone interview by Neil Strauss published in November 2017. He spoke of his breakup with ex-girlfriend Amber Heard, expressing his heartbreak over their parting. Musk also touched upon his estranged relationship with his father Errol, calling him a "terrible human being."

These days, Musk is dating the musician Grimes — the pair debuted their relationship in May 2018, and just had their first child together.

Here's a look at Elon Musk's personal life over the years.

Original author: Áine Cain and Avery Hartmans

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01 is a robot that can plan your schedule in Slack

The gaming chat app Discord and food delivery platform Postmates appeared to be among the apps that experienced an outage Friday.The outage appears to have been caused by problems with Cloudflare, a cloud networking platform that supports many major websites and apps.Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince posted a tweet detailing how the company traced the outage to a router in Atlanta.Cloudflare has since implemented a fix to the outage.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Twitter users began to notice some apps and websites, including those of food delivery service Postmates, were down Friday.

Discord, a group chat app, tweeted Friday that "users are currently having trouble disconnecting to Discord due to an upstream internet issue. We've got all engineers on deck investigating the issue."

The outage appears to have been caused by problems with Cloudflare, a cloud technology that supports many websites and apps. Cloudflare tweeted that it was investigating the issue shortly after the outage was reported by some users.

The company's CEO, Matthew Prince, later posted a tweet acknowledging the issue, tracing it back to a router in Atlanta. 

"We isolated the Atlanta router and shut down our backbone, routing traffic across transit providers instead," Prince said on Twitter. "There was some congestion that caused slow performance on some links as the logging caught up. Everything is restored now and we're looking into the root cause."

—Matthew Prince ? (@eastdakota) July 17, 2020

The company implemented a fix Friday evening and said it is "monitoring the results."

A Facebook bug caused a similar outage last week, with Spotify and Tinder among the apps that crashed for many users. The issue was traced to a glitch with Facebook's software developer kit, or SDK, that is embedded in some of those apps. The problem was later resolved.

Get the latest Google stock price here.

Original author: Katie Canales

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Running From Aspen to Basalt

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has had a lot of different cars over the years. His first vehicle was a 1978 BMW 320i — he paid only $1,400 for it. At one point, a McLaren F1 was his daily driver, but he totaled it on Sand Hill Road in Silicon Valley.More recently, he's been driving Tesla cars, like Model S and the Cybertruck. He even sent his Tesla Roadster into space. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Elon Musk has had quite the car collection over the years. 

Some got totaled, others inspired certain design elements in the cars Tesla makes today. Either way, each says a little bit about what Musk looks for in a car.

These days, Musk is usually seen cruising around in a Tesla Model S — unless, of course, he takes the upcoming Tesla Cybertruck out for a spin.

Here's a closer look at Musk's car collection over the years. 

Danielle Muoio contributed to an earlier version of this article.

Original author: Avery Hartmans

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10 of the most-funded startups to fail in 2017

Videos filmed in Portland, Oregon, in recent days show protesters being detained and whisked into unmarked cars by what appear to be law-enforcement officers wearing military camouflage.The officers' entire ensemble, down to their minivans, is readily available online, making it exceedingly difficult to discern legitimate authorities from provocateurs masquerading as them.The officers' conduct and apparel highlight a glaring issue that military officials and civilian authorities have warned about.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Federal law-enforcement officers detaining protesters and others in Portland, Oregon, and whisking them into unmarked cars on Wednesday did so while wearing military camouflage uniforms and other military-style gear.

Much of what the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents were wearing, or apparel like it, is available to the public online, making it easier to impersonate law-enforcement agents — an issue that military officials and civilian authorities have warned about, particularly amid nationwide protests over the police killing of George Floyd.

The nature of the arrests led observers to question their legality, including Oregon Gov. Kate Brown and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who described it as "unmarked federal agents ... pulling protesters off the street and jailing them without charge."

Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, who was in Portland overseeing the effort, characterized the protesters as "violent criminals attempting to tear down federal property" and alleged some assaulted officers with lasers and frozen water bottles.

Screenshot via Ebay

On his social-media accounts, Wolf posted pictures of himself with Homeland Security personnel wearing military fatigues and DHS patches. Though it was not clear who the officers in the videos were, members of the Border Patrol Tactical Unit — an immediate-response force that operates under CBP, which is part of DHS — often wear military uniforms with CBP patches.

CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan said in a statement on Twitter that his officers were "clearly marked as federal LEOs & have unique identifiers."

"You will not see names on their uniforms because these same violent criminals use this information to target them and their families, putting both at risk," Morgan said.

But the personnel in Portland had few identifiable patches or markings, which are normally worn by members of the armed forces and law-enforcement agencies. At least one officer had what appeared to be a nondescript Velcro patch on his left shoulder, standard for the military and some firearm enthusiasts, and a single "POLICE" patch on his tactical vest.

A variety of such patches are sold online, including ones marked "POLICE" and a near replica of the Department of Homeland Security's patch. Patches of law-enforcement agencies and specific military units are also available on the internet, often sold under the pretense of catering to enthusiasts and veterans.

One of the videos circulating online shows two people wearing the US Army's uniform, the Operational Camouflage Pattern, while detaining a protester and escorting them to a minivan. The OCP is the Army's latest variant of the workday uniform and readily available online and in military-surplus stores.

Other US military gear worn by the federal officers, or close replicas of it, is also sold online, such as the military's combat helmet. Some military-surplus stores also sell previous versions of the helmet, some of which are still in use by military units and law-enforcement groups.

Police detain protesters in Atlanta on May 30. Associated Press/Mike Stewart

The entire ensemble seen in the videos, down to the minivan, is readily available to consumers, making it exceedingly difficult to discern between a legitimate authority and a provocateur masquerading as one.

Several people were arrested after they were accused of posing as members of the military and law enforcement in June during protests.

In Los Angeles, Gregory Wong was taken into custody after he wore similar attire to a National Guard member, ABC7 reported, citing sources. Wong, who was armed with an AR-15-type rifle and a pistol, was spotted by actual National Guard members after he fell into formation with them, the outlet said.

At a protest in Las Vegas, Zachary Sanns was charged with false impersonation of a federal officer, 8 News Now reported. Prosecutors said he stood on alongside police officers while armed with an AR-15-type rifle and wearing tactical gear, the outlet reported.

Both Wong and Sanns are veterans.

Army Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has highlighted concerns about members of law enforcement dressing like members of the military while responding to protests, saying there needs to be clear "visual distinction" between the two organizations.

"You want a clear definition between that which is military and that which is police, in my view," Milley said during a congressional hearing on July 9. "Because when you start introducing the military, you're talking about a different level of effort there."

But civil-rights groups are sounding the alarm about federal officers patrolling Portland while in military gear, most of which is available online.

"What is happening now in Portland should concern everyone in the United States," Jann Carson, the interim executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon, said in a statement.

"Usually when we see people in unmarked cars forcibly grab someone off the street we call it kidnapping," Carson added. "The actions of the militarized federal officers are flat-out unconstitutional and will not go unanswered."

Ryan Pickrell contributed reporting.

Original author: David Choi

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Navigating Through Multiple Pivots: Convercent CEO Patrick Quinlan (Part 6) - Sramana Mitra

To unzip files on a Chromebook, you'll need to find the .Zip file using the "Files" app.You can use this same app to zip files on your Chromebook as well.Once you've unzipped a file on your Chromebook, you can copy and paste its contents to any other folder on the computer.Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

Zipping files is helpful for sending and storing documents — and it's easy to do so on your Chromebook.

And once you've zipped a file or received one that's been zipped by someone else, unzipping it only takes a few clicks.

Here's how to do both. 

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

HP Chromebook (from $249 at Best Buy)

How to zip files on your Chromebook

1. Open the Files app on your Chromebook. It's the icon that looks like a blue circle with a white folder inside of it in your bottom taskbar.

2. In Files, find the document or folder that you want to zip and right-click.

You can also select multiple documents by holding the Shift key on your keyboard while you click the files. A blue check mark will appear next to each selected file.

3. Right-click the selected files, and then click "Zip selection."

Select "Zip selection." Marissa Perino/Business Insider

4. A zip file will appear directly above your selection.

5. Click the file to view its content. You can also right-click it to rename it.

Your new zip archive. Marissa Perino/Business Insider

How to unzip files on your Chromebook

To unzip files, you'll have to copy and paste the desired files to their new location on your Chromebook. 

1. Click the zipped file to open it.

2. Select the file (or files using the Shift key) that you'd like to unzip.

3. Right-click and select "Copy" to copy the document or documents, or press Ctrl + C on your keyboard. 

Copy your file. Marissa Perino/Business Insider

4. Right-click again, or use the Ctrl + P on your keyboard, to paste your file in its new folder. A pop-up will appear confirming that the file was successfully pasted.

Paste your file. Marissa Perino/Business Insider

5. You can also simply click and drag files to another location to extract them from the zipped file. For example, click and drag the file into "Downloads" or another folder in the left-hand menu.

6. Once you're done, click the eject button next to "" in the left hand menu to complete the process.

Click the eject button. Marissa Perino/Business Insider

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Original author: Marissa Perino

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Habito, an app that helps you find the right mortgage, raises £18.5M Series B led by Atomico

When you add a Flipboard widget to your phone, you can see the latest news stories on your home or lock screen.The process of adding a Flipboard widget is different for Android and iOS users, but both platforms can easily add a widget.To add the Flipboard widget, you'll already need to have an account, and the app downloaded on your phone. Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

Flipboard is an online news and culture delivery platform that you can curate the news to your interests. 

You can customize your Flipboard experience by identifying the types of stories you want to be delivered to your phone across various news categories, including politics, arts, and health. 

While you can access all of this through the Flipboard app, setting up a Flipboard widget on your phone's screen means you can see the latest stories without ever opening it. 

The Flipboard widget works on both Android or iOS devices. The first step to getting it is to make sure you have downloaded the app and set up an account. If you don't already have a Flipboard account, you can sign up for Flipboard with email, Facebook, Google, and more to get the day's top headlines delivered straight to your phone. 

Once you've done that, here's how to add the widget to your phone. 

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

iPhone 11 (From $699.99 at Apple)

Samsung Galaxy S10 (From $859.99 at Walmart)

How to add a Flipboard widget on Android

1. Tap a space on your home screen and hold down. 

2. Tap "Widget" from the options that appear on the screen.

Different Android phones will have different wording for the widget settings, but all will have the word "widget" in the title. Steven John/Business Insider

3. Search until you find the Flipboard widget. Select it. 

4. Decide if you want the larger or smaller widget.

5. Now tap and hold the Flipboard widget you want and drag it to a free spot on the screen.

If you try to drop the widget into a spot it can't fit, you will have to start the process again. Steven John/Business Insider

6. Once you've placed the widget, tap it to open Flipboard.  

How to add a Flipboard widget on iOS

1. On the iPhone (or iPad) home screen, swipe down to open Notifications.

2. Swipe left on your notifications screen until you see the screen with a Search Bar on top.  

You will see other widgets on this page, including the calendar and weather widgets. Abbey White/Business Insider

3. Scroll down, then press "Edit."

This option will be all the way at the bottom of the screen. Abbey White/Business Insider

4. Tap the plus (+) symbol beside it.

The symbol will be on the left side of the app name and green. Abbey White/Business Insider

5. Press "Done." 


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Original author: Steven John

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2022 was a wild year for games and I’m still spinning | Kaser Focus

To share your passwords with your family using Dashlane, you'll need to connect your account to one of two membership tiers.  Once you're part of a Dashlane family plan, you can use the share feature to grant access to a single login or an entire category of passwords using a member's email. Each member of the Dashlane family plan will need to have their account with Dashlane to share passwords utilizing the service. Before you can share passwords with family members, you'll need to purchase and add up to six people to a Dashlane Premium Family and Premium Family Plus plan. Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

Password-security app Dashlane now has two group plans, Premium Family and Premium Family Plus plans. Each allows up to six users to share passwords and login information quickly with an approved group.

One of the great things about Dashlane Premium Family and Premium Family Plus plans is that while each family member has their own Dashlane account, all passwords and login information can be shared. This way, you don't have to chase anyone down for a Netflix password or credit card number. 

For this to work, each member of your family plan will need to create an individual Dashlane account if they do not already have one.

Here's how to set up your Dashlane Premium Family plan and share passwords among users. 

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Apple Macbook Pro (From $1,299.00 at Apple)

Acer Chromebook 15 (From $179.99 at Walmart)

How to set up Dashlane Premium Family

1. Create an account with Dashlane if you have not already done so.

2. Go to, click on "Family," and click on the plan you wish to purchase.

3. On the next page, click "Next." 

4. Type in the email address affiliated with your Dashlane account in the blank field before clicking "Submit." 

5. You will then be prompted to type in your credit card information and complete your purchase. 

You will need to enter your email address in the specific field. Chrissy Montelli/Business Insider

6. On the next page, you will see a link that allows you to invite others to your family plan. Click "Copy link" and send it to up to five family members or friends via email or a messaging app. 

Click the blue copy link button to share your plan. Chrissy Montelli/Business Insider

7. Once you have sent out the invitation link, your family members will need to click on the link to join your family plan. 

8. Your family members should type in their email address — not yours — in the blank field and click "Join Premium Family." 

Anyone who wants to join your plan will have to confirm using their email address. Chrissy Montelli/Business Insider

How to share passwords and login information with family using Dashlane Premium Family

1. On your Dashlane account, open the section labeled "Passwords."

2. To share a specific login credential, right-click on it, and then select "Share." 

3. To share an entire category of credentials at once, click on the category you want to share, then choose "More" in the upper right corner of the category. 

4. From the drop-down menu that appears, select "Share."

5. Type in the email addresses of the users with whom you wish to share the credentials. You will also have the ability to set permission settings for each user.

6. Once you are finished, click "Send."

Original author: Chrissy Montelli

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What Western marketers can learn from Eastern retention marketing masters

The FTC is considering deposing Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg in its Facebook antitrust probe.The federal agency is looking at whether Facebook has acted anti-competitively.The WSJ reports that the FTC is now mulling demanding sworn testimony from Facebook's top two leaders.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg may be directly grilled by federal investigators looking at whether the social media giant has acted anticompetitively.

According to a new report from The Wall Street Journal on Friday, the Federal Trade Commission is considering deposing the two top Facebook executives in its antitrust probe into the company.

Facebook dominates the social media landscape in the United States, and the FTC has been investigating since mid-2019 whether its practices fall foul of anti-monopoly laws. The company is known for aggressively buying up competitors — key business units Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus all started life as independent companies — and the FTC is looking at its past acquisitions as part of its investigation.

It's not immediately clear what the timeframe might be for Zuckerberg and Sandberg to give sworn testimony, if the FTC does decide to push ahead with this approach, or if Facebook might attempt to prevent it. 

Reached for comment by Business Insider about The WSJ's report, a Facebook spokesperson said the company was looking forward to an upcoming congressional hearing where Zuckerberg is scheduled to appear to discuss antitrust issues.

"We look forward to sharing our views about the competitive landscape, along with other technology leaders, during this month's Congressional hearing, while also demonstrating for enforcement agencies that our innovation provides more choices for consumers," they said in a statement.

An FTC spokesperson declined to comment.

Got a tip? Contact Business Insider reporter Rob Price via encrypted messaging app Signal (+1 650-636-6268), encrypted email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), standard email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Telegram/Wickr/WeChat (robaeprice), or Twitter DM (@robaeprice). We can keep sources anonymous. Use a non-work device to reach out. PR pitches by standard email only, please.

Original author: Rob Price

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Your business should compensate for modern ransomware capabilities right now

You can add a Challenge sticker on an Instagram story to create a challenge or participate in a viral challenge.Challenges let you participate in Instagram-wide trending tags, get creative, and put your photos in front of more eyes. If you don't see the Challenge sticker, first try updating your Instagram app.Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

One of Instagram stories newest interactive features is the challenges sticker. 

Challenges let users participate in group trends by attaching a sticker to their Instagram post and getting in on hashtag-based actions, such as #StayAtHome. You can also create your own challenges around fashion, workout, bingo, food, and more, before encouraging your friends to join and seeing how popular your challenge becomes. 

Keep in mind that when you do a challenge through the Instagram mobile app, anyone who can see your story will be able to tap the username of the person you've tagged and navigate to their profile.

If you want to get involved, or you want to use the feature to create your own challenges, here's how to do it. 

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

iPhone 11 (From $699.99 at Apple)

Samsung Galaxy S10 (From $699.99 at Walmart)

How to add a challenge on Instagram stories

1. Open the Instagram app. 

2. Tap the camera icon to access the "Stories" section. 

You can find this icon in the top-left corner of the screen. Devon Deflino/Business Insider

3. Take your photo, or select or create the post. 

4. Tap the "Stickers" icon located toward the top-right corner of the screen

This button looks like a smiling sticky note. Devon Deflino/Business Insider

5. Scroll down and then select "Challenge."

You may find other options like Quiz and Countdown near the Challenge sticker. Devon Deflino/Business Insider

6. Select an existing challenge from the ribbon of options that appears above your keyboard or search for existing ones using a keyword. 

You can also create your own by adding the name to the designated challenge text box. Devon Deflino/Business Insider

7. Nominate someone by typing their username into the area below the challenge name text box. 

8. Tap "Done" when you're ready to post.

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Original author: Devon Delfino

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The 15 Second Commute

You can cancel your Sling TV subscription by going to your Account Profile and selecting the blue "Cancel My Subscription" button. You will need to cancel your Sling TV subscription online as deleting the app off your phone, tablet, or smart TV does not cancel your paid subscriptions. Sling TV's two limited packages cost $30 per month and feature some of the channels available, while combining the two offerings to get all 53 channels is $45 monthly.Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

Sling TV is a meeting of the old and the new: the digital television service offers many of the classic cable channels you love like Disney, CNN, and History but without a cable package. Instead, you stream your favorite channels and shows using your internet connection. 

Like cable packages, you can also record hours of shows without breaking out the old VCR. But the cost of a monthly Sling TV membership, especially if you've got a small entertainment budget, is slightly pricier than many streaming platforms.

You must get the combined Blue and Orange packages to get all 53 Sling TV channels. Sling TV

A standard Netflix subscription costs $13 a month, Hulu only $11.99, and Disney+ just $6.99. However, Sling TV costs between $30 and $45 a month depending on your package. 

You can easily cancel your service through your account profile. If you have a regular membership, you can keep using Sling TV until the end of the current pay cycle. But if you were in a free trial period, your Sling service will end immediately. 

If you've purchased a Sling membership and now want to cancel it for a cheaper streaming option, here's how to do it. 

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Apple Macbook Pro (From $1,299.00 at Apple)

Acer Chromebook 15 (From $179.99 at Walmart)

How to cancel your Sling TV subscription

1. Go to Sling TV's account page and log in to your account.

2. On your Account page, click the blue Cancel Subscription link. 

This option will be to the right of two blue-boxes to Change Subscription and Watch Now. Abbey White/Business Insider

3. In the pop-up window, select Cancel Subscription to confirm.

4. Click the green toggle next to your package type and its cost. If you have any add-ons, repeat this process. 

You'll be given the options to also Pause My Subscription or Change My Subscription. Abbey White/Business Insider

5. Once it turns blue, choose Cancel All.  

6. Select your reason for canceling. If you choose "I'm not watching television enough to pay for service" or "I'm trying to save money" may get you a discount offer if you stay with the service.

7. Select Confirm My Cancellation. 

Insider Inc. receives a commission when you buy through our links.

Original author: Dave Johnson

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Flextock is a YC-backed e-commerce fulfillment provider for Africa and the Middle East

You can change the pitch of audio in Audacity using the "Effect" menu, which contains dozens of different tools for editing audio. You can also change the pitch of an audio clip in Audacity by speeding up or slowing down the track, which will raise and lower the pitch respectively.Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

In the simplest of terms, pitch can be thought of as how high or low a sound goes. Higher-pitched noises are squeaky and shrill, while lower-pitched noises are bassy and booming.

Changing pitches is an incredibly common tool in sound editing. In fact, there are some bands that have built their entire careers around pitch-changing — that is, if you count Alvin and the Chipmunks as a band.

If you're editing audio with Audacity, changing a track's pitch can be done in a few clicks. Here's how to do it on both Mac and PC.

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Apple Macbook Pro (From $1,299.00 at Apple)

Acer Chromebook 15 (From $179.99 at Walmart)

How to change pitch in Audacity

1. Open the Audacity recording where you wish to change the pitch. Click and drag your mouse along the audio track to select the portion of audio you want to edit.

You can select part of the audio track, or the entire thing. Steven John/Business Insider

2. Click the word "Effect" at the top of the screen, then select "Change Pitch…"

In this drop-down menu, you'll also find "Change Speed" and "Change Tempo." Both of these will alter how fast or slow the song is, and in the process, the pitch will be raised and lowered.

Open the "Change Pitch" menu. Steven John/Business Insider

3. Now use the slider in the popup window to raise the audio to a higher pitch (slide right), or a lower pitch (slide left). You can also manually choose your pitch change using the "From" and "To" options, which is great if you know the starting and target pitch.

Change the pitch manually, or by percentage. Steven John/Business Insider

4. Hit "OK" when you're done, and Audacity will take a few moments to process the audio.

Once it's done, play the audio to make sure you're happy with the changes. If you are, save the project and be on your way. If you're not, undo the change (Ctrl + Z on a PC, or Command + Z on a Mac) and try again.

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Original author: Steven John

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A general view of the Octagon at Yas Beach ahead of the UFC Fight Island series of events in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Jeff Bottari / Zuffa / Getty Images UFC is running a series of four events at a private island campus in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, dubbed UFC Fight Island.Holding the events at a private destination enables UFC to implement ideal safety measures against COVID-19 and allows international fighters to circumvent travel restrictions and visa issues.The next Fight Island event will be UFC Fight Night: Figueiredo vs. Benavidez on July 18, and the month will continue with more than 30 fights scheduled through July 25.You can stream all UFC Fight Island matches live on ESPN+, and some of the action will also be available on the ESPN cable channel.


UFC has set up shop on Yas Island, a tourist destination in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, for a month-long series of events dubbed UFC Fight Island.

While UFC has already held events in Las Vegas and Jacksonville since the COVID-19 pandemic reached the United States in March, moving the competition to a private island in Abu Dhabi will help international fighters circumvent travel and visa restrictions.

A total of four UFC events are scheduled to take place on Fight Island through July 25 before the league returns to the UFC Apex in Las Vegas in August. However, UFC President Dana White told the Associated Press that UFC could return to Yas Island for more events later this year.

The UFC campus spans six square miles and includes training and medical facilities for fighters and staff. Fans will not be in attendance for UFC 251 or any other UFC Fight Island events due to the pandemic. According to the AP, about 2,000 people are working under UFC's Fight Island quarantine bubble.

White shared a video showing a map of the facility and the precautions needed to get Fight Island up and running. UFC has implemented at least 18 different safety precautions during the pandemic, including advanced medical screenings, regular testing, temperature checks, and social distancing guidelines.

All four events will be streamed live on ESPN+, which costs $4.99 per month or $49.99 per year. The main event of UFC 251, which featured this month's highest profile matches, cost an additional $64.99 to watch.

You can access the ESPN+ app on all major mobile devices and smart TVs, including Amazon Fire, Apple, Android, Chromecast, PS4, Xbox One, Roku, Samsung products, and more.

Below, we've detailed all of the events happening on UFC Fight Island this month, and how you can watch.

Updated on 7/17/2020 by Kevin Webb: We've revised this article to include results for UFC 251 and UFC Fight Night: Kattar vs. Ige.

Jorge Masvidal will face Kamaru Usman in the main event of UFC 251. Photo by Sean M. Haffey / Josh Hedges / Getty Images

Kamaru Usman successfully defended the welterweight championship against 2019 Fighter of the Year Jorge Masvidal; while featherweight champion Alexander Volkanovski retained his belt after a controversial split-decision in his rematch against Max Holloway.

The night marked Usman's third title defense and marks a 16-fight win streak for the Nigerian fighter. Usman's next opponent is expected to be top-ranked welterweight contender Gilbert Burns. Masvidal replaced Burns in the main event of UFC 251 with just six days notice after Burns tested positive for COVID-19.

July 15 — UFC Fight Night: Kattar vs. Ige

Featherweight Calvin Kattar prevailed over Dan Ige in the main event of this UFC Fight Night event, with Kattar striking Ige more than 70 times in the face on his way to a win by decision.

Mounir Lazzez exchanged more than 160 blows while defeating Abdul Razak Alhassan in a three-round decision that included an impressive flying knee.

Joseph Benavidez will challenge Deiveson Figueiredo for the UFC Flyweight Championship in a rematch. Photo by Brandon Magnus / Getty Images

Deiveson Figueiredo and Joseph Benavidez will fight for the vacant UFC Flyweight championship in a rematch of a February 29 fight. Figueiredo won that match via TKO, but he weighed in at 127.5lbs, making him ineligible to become the flyweight champion.

Figueiredo agreed to a rematch with Benavidez because he missed the agreed upon weight for their first fight. Now either fighter has another chance to win the vacant title, though the 18-1 Figueiredo remains the favorite.

The main event for this UFC Fight Night is set to stream exclusively on ESPN+ at 8 p.m. ET/ 5 p.m. PT. The prelims will be available on ESPN+ and the ESPN cable channel starting at 5 p.m. ET/2 p.m. PT.

July 25 — UFC Fight Night: Whittaker vs. Till

Top middleweight contender Robert Whittaker returns to the ring against fifth-ranked Darren Till in the most jam-packed fight card of the month. UFC currently has 14 fights scheduled for the evening, with the action kicking off at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. on ESPN and ESPN+.


Original author: Kevin Webb

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Borrowing from the law to filter training data for foundation models

To speed up your Windows 10 computer, you should uninstall programs you don't want, turn off special effects, and change your startup settings.The single most effective way to speed up Windows 10, however, is to use a Solid State Drive.You should also make sure Windows 10 is up-to-date, and that your computer is running at full power.Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

People sometimes wonder how it was possible for the guidance computer in Apollo 11 — a computer with less memory than the cheapest Windows 10 PC in use today — to reach the moon. 

The answer: It didn't waste any processing power on a fancy interface, or multi-tasking. 

You can eke some extra performance out of your own Windows 10 computer by making it a little more minimalist, like that original Apollo 11 computer. You can also give it a straight upgrade.

Here are seven ways you can speed up your Windows 10 computer right now. 

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Windows 10 (From $139.99 at Best Buy)

SanDisk Ultra 512 GB SSD (For $69.99 at Best Buy)

Original author: Dave Johnson

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A new metric in ad tech: Carbon emissions

In addition to getting your own email address, maintaining a Yahoo account is a great way to get a personalized feed of breaking news.

From a customizable home page, to web services like Yahoo Answers and Yahoo Notepad, a Yahoo account offers a streamlined ecosystem of features to get the most out of your time on the web. 

If you're new to Yahoo's services and want to create a Yahoo account, here's how to get started, using any browser on your Mac or PC.

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Apple Macbook Pro (From $1,299.00 at Apple)

Acer Chromebook 15 (From $179.99 at Walmart)

How to create a Yahoo account

1. Open up your browser of voice and visit the Yahoo homepage.

2. Click "Create an account," found beneath the sign-in credentials form.  

In the future, this page is where you'll sign into your Yahoo account. Emma Witman/Business Insider

3. Fill out all the required fields, including your first and last name, username, password, birthday, and mobile number for two-factor authentication.

You'll want to have some backup email usernames in mind, in case your first choice is taken. Emma Witman/Business Insider

4. Click "Continue." 

5. Select whether to have Yahoo call or text your authentication code to the mobile number you provided.

6. Enter the 5-digit verification code when you've received it. Click "Verify" and then "Continue." 

Be sure to enter your verification code in a timely manner, or it may expire. Emma Witman/Business Insider

You're all set. When you click "Done," you'll navigate back to the Yahoo homepage, where you can access your email in the top-right corner. Alternatively, you can visit the Yahoo Mail login page directly. 

Get the latest Yahoo stock price here.

Insider Inc. receives a commission when you buy through our links.

Original author: Emma Witman

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Foundation models could help us achieve ‘perfect secrecy’

Google is to invest $4.5 billion into Indian internet company Jio Platforms, Google chief executive Sundar Pichai confirmed on Wednesday.Jio Platforms owns India's biggest telecoms provider Reliance Jio as well as a suite of homegrown apps such as Zoom rival JioMeet.The investment gives Google a 7.7% stake in Jio Platforms, providing the deal is cleared by India's regulators.Reliance Jio's founder, Mukesh Ambani, is currently the sixth-richest man in the world, with a net wealth of $72.4 billion.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Google will invest $4.5 billion in disruptive, popular Indian internet firm Jio Platforms, the company confirmed on Wednesday.

The deal gives Google a 7.7% stake in the company, pending approval by Indian regulators.

The two firms plan to develop an entry-level Android phone that could bring millions more Indian users online.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai, announcing the deal on Wednesday, tweeted: "Everyone should have access to the internet. Proud to partner with @reliancejio to increase access for the hundreds of millions in India who don't own a smartphone with our 1st investment of $4.5B from the #GoogleForIndia Digitization Fund."

A subsidiary of Indian conglomerate Reliance, Jio Platforms owns India's biggest mobile operator Jio, which has a subscriber base of 369.93 million and more than 30% market share.

Jio Platforms also owns a suite of homegrown internet apps, including Zoom rival JioMeet and music streaming service JioSaavn.

The funding is part of a slew of Google initiatives in India. CEO Sundar Pichai recently held a video call with Indian prime minister Narendra Modi. And the $4.5 billion cash injection comes from a new $10 billion fund that Google plans to invest in India.

Pichai is also friendly with the founding family behind Reliance Jio, the Ambani family, attending scion Akash Ambani's wedding in Mumbai in 2019.

Other major tech firms have already invested billions in Jio Platforms. Facebook announced a $5.7 billion investment in April. Qualcomm announced this week it was investing around $100 million, while Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund, KKR, Vista Equity Partners, and many others have invested billions in recent months.

Jio's rise in India has been meteoric.

The Reliance subsidiary has brought millions of Indians online for the first time over the past four years by offering free or incredibly cheap 4G data.

This wave of new internet users has benefited the likes of Google and Facebook, both of which are experiencing saturation in the West and are increasingly looking at Asia and emerging economies to provide their "next billion users." Facebook explicitly called out the positive effect of cheap data plans in emerging economies on its user growth back in 2016, and repeatedly describes India is its fastest-growing market.

As Business Insider previously reported, one side effect of millions of new Indian users flooding the internet was the dethroning of popular gaming YouTuber PewDiePie as the top creator on the platform. He was replaced by T-Series, an Indian record label that garners hundreds of millions of views by posting Indian music videos to YouTube and is little-known outside the country.

Meanwhile, Reliance chairman Mukesh Ambani is now the sixth-richest person in the world, per Bloomberg's Billionares Index, surpassing Tesla CEO Elon Musk with a net wealth of $72.4 billion.

Get the latest Google stock price here.

Original author: Shona Ghosh

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WindowSwap – Travel Around The World From Home

Apple has won an appeal against an EU order to pay 13 billion euros ($15 billion) in back taxes to Ireland, per a ruling on Wednesday by Europe's second-highest court.The EU ordered Apple to cough up the tax in 2016 after ruling that the firm had benefited from illegal state aid from Ireland, a low-tax regime.According to the European Commission, Apple has benefited from reduced taxes in Ireland for two decades, allegedly paying as little as 0.005% corporate tax in 2014.Apple welcomed Wednesday's decision by the EU General Court, saying it was the largest taxpayer in the world.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Apple has won an appeal against paying $15 billion in back taxes to Ireland.

On Wednesday the EU General Court annulled a European Commission order that forced Apple to pay 13 billion euros ($15 billion) in back taxes.

The order dates back to 2016, when the competition watchdog ruled Apple had benefitted from illegal state aid in Ireland.

The European Commission said at the time that Ireland had tailored tax laws that allowed Apple to pay artificially low corporate tax on its profits in Europe for more than 20 years. At one point, Apple paid a corporate tax rate of as little as 0.005% in 2014, the Commission said in its 2016 statement.

Apple and Ireland — which has been able to attract big multinationals with its low tax rates — both appealed the decision in September 2019. Apple began paying the back taxes into an escrow account in 2018, in the hope that it could recoup the cash if its appeal was successful.

On Wednesday the EU General Court said that while it agreed with the Commission that there were inconsistencies in Ireland's tax laws, it hadn't seen sufficient evidence that Ireland had given special treatment to Apple.

"Although the General Court regrets the incomplete and occasionally inconsistent nature of the contested tax rulings, the defects identified by the Commission are not, in themselves, sufficient to prove the existence of an advantage," the court said in its statement.

"We thank the General Court for their time and consideration of the facts.  We are pleased they have annulled the Commission's case," an Apple spokesman told Business Insider.

"This case was not about how much tax we pay, but where we are required to pay it. We're proud to be the largest taxpayer in the world as we know the important role tax payments play in society. Apple has paid more than $100 billion in corporate income taxes around the world in the last decade and tens of billions more in other taxes. Changes in how a multinational company's income tax payments are split between different countries require a global solution, and Apple encourages this work to continue," he added.

Original author: Isobel Asher Hamilton

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Why I felt fine about not disclosing my pregnancy to investors

SpaceX has launched hundreds of its internet-beaming Starlink satellites into orbit since 2019.On Tuesday, a college student tweeted the first official SpaceX photos of satellite dishes, or user terminals, that will connect subscribers to the web.Company founder Elon Musk has described the terminals as "UFOs on a stick" and confirmed their authenticity as SpaceX works to start a private beta test of the internet service this summer.A review of's public source code by Business Insider revealed numerous potential details about the upcoming beta program.Beta users may have to pay only $1 for a Starlink user terminal and internet service, but may need to install the devices themselves — and can't talk publicly about their participation in the test program.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Hidden in the code of a SpaceX website are the first official pictures of satellite dishes that will connect future subscribers to Starlink — a fleet of low-flying, internet-beaming satellites.

What's more, a review of the site's code by Business Insider turned up numerous credible details about how an upcoming beta test of Starlink might work.

SpaceX founder Elon Musk has previously described the satellite dishes, or user terminals, as looking like a "UFO on a stick." Though the company has yet to formally share images of the terminals, fans have hunted down Starlink test sites listed in US regulatory documents and taken pictures of prototype antennas. 

In this case, Vivien Hantusch, a student at the Peter Behrens School of Arts (who often interacts with Musk on Twitter), found links to official pictures in the public source code of Starlink's website.

"UFO on a stick aka Starlink user terminal looks beautiful," Hantusch tweeted on Tuesday evening, sharing two crops of the images.

Her posts led Business Insider to carry out a wider review of the site code, which contained what appear to be in-depth details of the Starlink beta program.

Musk replied to the tweet with details he's shared before about the terminals. 

"Starlink terminal has motors to self-orient for optimal view angle. No expert installer required. Just plug in & give it a clear view of the sky," Musk said. "Can be in garden, on roof, table, pretty much anywhere, so long as it has a wide view of the sky."

SpaceX is gearing up to launch a private beta for Starlink this summer and a more public user test program later this year. To that end, the company sent emails overnight on Monday to Starlink beta applicants requesting addresses for where they'd like service.

A review by Business Insider of's public source code suggests that SpaceX is very close to finishing a website for beta testers. SpaceX did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Being a Starlink beta tester may cost $1 a month

Company founder Elon Musk has called these user terminals "UFOs on a stick," and they're designed to connect to the internet via a fleet of orbiting Starlink satellites. SpaceX

During our code review, Business Insider discovered a JavaScript file that appears to power a future page for beta invitees.

The code gives a picture of how the page would probably work, but could change before launch.

The file includes a link to another apparent user terminal image, above. It also has programming for would-be users to enter a non-transferable participation code and create an account.

More importantly, there are roughly 2,000 words in the file that appear to lay out a privacy policy, terms of service, and the fee to participate in "Starlink Beta" — $1 a month.

(Text farther down in the file specifies a $3 initial charge, followed by $2 per month charge thereafter.)

The Starlink website file says: "These charges are not a fee for the Starlink hardware or services, but are being requested exclusively to allow for the testing of our ordering and billing systems as part of this beta program."

 "SpaceX is temporarily loaning you the hardware and providing the internet services free of charge. The $1 will be charged 30 days after your hardware is shipped."

Also in the file is text that appears to explain the rationale for the test program:

"Starlink Beta is an opportunity to be an early user of the SpaceX's satellite internet system. The purpose of Starlink Beta is to gather feedback that will help us make decisions on how best to implement the system for Starlink's official launch.

"By design, the beta experience will be imperfect. Our goal is to incorporate feedback from a variety of users to ensure we build the best satellite broadband internet system possible."

Following that is an FAQ that expands on how the beta program might actually work.

An answer to a "who can participate" question says "Starlink Beta will begin in the Northern United States and lower Canada, with those living in rural and/or remote communities in the Washington state area." Being in those locations won't ensure participation, though, as SpaceX is also considering how many participants are in a given area.

Importantly, would-be beta testers will also need a clear view of the northern sky:

"Why do I need a clear view of the northern sky to be a beta tester? The Starlink system is currently made up of nearly 600 satellites orbiting the Earth that can provide internet service in a very specific range — between 44 and 52 degrees north latitude.

"Your Starlink dish requires a clear view of the Northern sky in order to communicate with the Starlink satellites. Without the clear view, the Starlink dish cannot make a good connection and your service will be extremely poor."

Participants shouldn't expect a seamless web connection, the file states, since SpaceX's work to improve the satellite network may cause intermittent disruptions.

"When connected, your service quality will be high, but your connection will not be consistent," the file says. "This means it may support streaming video with some buffering, but likely is not suitable for gaming or work purposes."

Users who complete the sign-up process will be permitted to order a "Starlink Kit" and, once they do, will be greeted with an order confirmation page, according to the code.

"Your Starlink Kit will arrive via FedEx pre-assembled with a Starlink dish, router, power supply and mount depending on your dwelling type," the file says.

Near the end of the FAQ is more detail about SpaceX's technical argument for creating Starlink internet service:

"How does Starlink internet work? Starlink will deliver high-speed broadband internet across the globe with a large, low-Earth constellation of relatively small but advanced satellites. Satellite internet works by sending information through the vacuum of space, where it travels nearly 50% faster than in fiber-optic cable.

"Most satellite internet services today come from single geostationary satellites that orbit the planet at about 35,000km, covering a fixed region of the Earth. Starlink, on the other hand, is a constellation of multiple satellites that orbit the planet much lower at about 550km, and cover the entire globe.

"Because the satellites are in a low orbit, the round-trip data time between the user and the satellite — also known as latency — is much lower than with satellites in geostationary orbit. This enables Starlink to deliver services like online gaming that are usually not possible on other satellite broadband systems."

Finally, text in the file says, beta testers who want to cancel can do so "at any time."

But the first rule of the Starlink Beta is you do not talk about Starlink Beta

SpaceX's Starlink-8 mission delivered a ninth batch of internet-beaming satellites into orbit on June 13, 2020, while leaving behind a stunning blue-rainbow cloud in the skies over coastal Florida. SpaceX via Twitter

However, the terms and conditions laid out in the text make clear the program isn't one you can tell anyone about, since every tester will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

"You are being provided early access to the Starlink Services. The Starlink Services and details like internet speeds, uptime, coverage, and other performance specifications are confidential and proprietary to SpaceX," the file says.

"You may NOT discuss your participation in the Beta Program online or with those outside of your household, unless they are SpaceX employees."

The file goes on to add: "You must not share anything on social media about the Starlink Services or the Beta Program. This applies not only to public forums, but also to private accounts and restricted groups.

"Do not provide access or information about Starlink Services to the media or allow third-parties to take pictures of any part of the Starlink Kit."

Over the course of 8 weeks, the file says, testers may be expected to "dedicate an average of 30 minutes to 1 hour per day testing the Starlink Services and providing feedback on a periodic basis," including surveys, emails, and calls with SpaceX employees.

Further, SpaceX also seems to want testers to install their own kits. This may be to test the ease of mounting an advanced satellite dish to a roof or wall, but perhaps also to protect trade secrets from curious local handymen (who might post photos or descriptions of the tech).

"You are responsible for installing the Starlink Kit. Do not allow third-parties, or those not associated with SpaceX, to access or install the Starlink Kit unless you obtain approval form [sic] SpaceX," the file's text says.

Doing anything illegal with a Starlink web connection won't be tolerated, according to SpaceX's file, and those users who don't return the equipment within 30 days of SpaceX's request will apparently be charged an "equipment fee."

Though that fee is unspecified, it could be significant: The phased-array antenna inside each user terminal may cost more than $1,000 to make, according to some industry analysts.

Jake Swearingen and Samir Yahyazade contributed to this story.

Have a story or inside information to share about the spaceflight industry? Send Dave Mosher an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or a Twitter direct message at @davemosher. More secure communication options are listed here.

Original author: Dave Mosher

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Billionaire hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb made a big bet on Alibaba (BABA)

Original author: Isobel Asher Hamilton

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If Coinbase is worth $100 billion, what’s a fair valuation for Stripe?

Icelandic fintech startup Lucinity has raised $6.1 million in fresh funding from Karma Ventures and byFounders. The anti-money laundering company uses a cloud-based integration to help financial institutions better understand transaction data. "Banks are trying their hardest to combat money laundering, but the tools to prevent it are limited," Lucinity founder and CEO Gudmundur Kristjansson (better known as GK). "That's why we set out to 'make money good' using our AI to help banks ensure that the money that flows through them comes from clean sources."Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. 

Financial crime and money laundering is a thorn in the side of financial institutions. Compliance is often costly and manual.

A 2018 report by data provider Refinitiv suggested that $1.45 trillion had been lost by businesses as a result of financial crime.

Cloud-based Icelandic anti-money laundering fintech startup Lucinity has just raised $6.1 million in fresh funding to help alleviate the problem.

"Banks are trying their hardest to combat money laundering, but the tools to prevent it are limited," Lucinity founder and CEO Gudmundur Kristjansson (better known as GK). "That's why we set out to 'make money good' using our AI to help banks ensure that the money that flows through them comes from clean sources."

The anti-money laundering company uses a cloud-based integration to help financial institutions better understand transaction data. 

The new round was co-led by Karma Ventures and ByFounders, bringing the startup's total funding to $9 million. Previous investors Crowberry Capital and Preceptor Capital also participated in the company's seed round in June last year.

Lucinity was already planning for its next raise when it closed that earlier seed round, Kristjansson said. The round started off in March and was officially closed at the start of July.

"We were planning our Series A for this year and saw an opportunity in Covid. We foresaw a rapid increase in digitization and remote working that speaks perfectly to our value proposition," GK added. "We are in a position to leverage whatever situation comes out of Covid, and the fundraising showed us that many investors agree."

Lucinity's product focuses on what it calls "Human AI," effectively a feedback loop which provides charts and explanations of data, which Kristjansson calls the "secret sauce" which has been missing from many previous anti-financial crime products.

Funding will be used to continue scaling the Lucinity team as it looks to deploy its services within financial institutions in Europe and the US. 

Check out Lucinity's pitch deck below:

Original author: Callum Burroughs

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