The average starting salary for a graduate of this program is $60,000.Paula Bronstein / Getty Images

• NS2 Serves puts veterans through an intense, three-month program to help them land jobs.

• Participants receive software training and certifications.

• Retired United States Navy vice admiral Joseph Kernan said that participants also "grow into a team" during the experience.

Making the transition from military to civilian work can be a major challenge.

The US Department of Labor places the overall veteran unemployment rate at 3.7%, while the unemployment rate of veterans who served after September 11, 2001 is even higher, coming in at 4.2%. 

To compare, the unemployment rate for people with a college degree is 2.5%

To help close that gap, SAP National Security Services — a security and infrastructure software company —  is offering free technical training to veterans through its nonprofit, NS2 Serves. The goal is to train and help 400 vets land jobs by 2021.

Business Insider recently spoke to SAP NS2 senior vice president and retired United States Navy vice admiral Joseph Kernan, who is also US President Donald Trump's Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence nominee.

He said that the traits and soft skills that the military imbues in servicemembers make them valuable employees, regardless of their chosen field. All they need is that extra technical savvy.

"They've got the values, character," Kernan said. "They've got good judgment, they perform under pressure. They understand teamwork. They're loyal. All those things that are somewhat inherent in the military that we try to teach every individual that comes in."

Kernan shared with Business Insider a little of what it's like to go through this 11-week, intensive tech boot camp: