
Enjoy Every Day

September 5, 2017

Ted Rheingold just passed away. He was an amazing guy beloved by many. Endlessly joyful, inspiring, and loving.

His autoresponder (typos and all) is one for the books, and like great poetry, worth reading over and over.

My cancer (ccRCC, metastic) has gotten the upper hand and I’ll be
putting all my resources into managing it.

In my stread, please keep these very important messages in place:

* be good to each other

* enjoy evert day

* wanting is suffering

* The journey is still the destination, now more than every

* the trend of purpose is coming like a tidal wave, get out a heard of
it. enjoy the ride. die fulfilled.

* Reframe your thinking of “what your career can do for you,” into
“what can your career do for others,” and wonderful, meaningful work
awaits you.”

Jeff Clavier introduced me to Ted in 2006 and we both invested in Ted’s company Dogster. We crossed paths periodically, usually online.

My last email to Ted was a few months ago, where I wrote “Sending you some love this morning” followed by

He responded quickly with:

Thanks Brad.


Every day is hard these days.

Nonetheless, I’m very happy to be alive and keep fighting through.


At some level, it’s all pretty simple.

Enjoy Every Day.

Ted – thank you for the gift of you.

Also published on Medium.

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Original author: Brad Feld

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  101 Hits

Rendezvous with Sramana Mitra - Sramana Mitra

While the 1Mby1M program offers many touch points by which entrepreneurs can personally interact with Sramana Mitra on a regular basis, there have always been daily requests to meet with her in...


Original author: Maureen Kelly

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Bootstrapping with Services: 2600Hz CEO Patrick Sullivan (Part 4) - Sramana Mitra

Sramana Mitra: What year are we talking now? Patrick Sullivan: That was between 2009 and 2011. Around 2012, we had our first real working platform. We open sourced it. The reason for open sourcing it...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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Catching Up On Readings: Cool Vendors 2017 - Sramana Mitra

This report from Gartner lists disruptive vendors exploiting digitization, blockchain, artificial intelligence, conversational user experience, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to build the next...


Original author: jyotsna popuri

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Bootstrapping with Services: 2600Hz CEO Patrick Sullivan (Part 3) - Sramana Mitra

Patrick Sullivan: We started going to a bunch of conferences and then we started explaining our vision on platforms. People started to listen. The next thing we know we started getting calls from...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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Will Investors Fund Concepts? - Sramana Mitra

Watch this 50-second cartoon video. You need to understand what makes an idea FUNDABLE. A concept is rarely fundable. A business sometimes is. Your first order of business is to turn an idea into a...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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Navigating Through Multiple Pivots: Convercent CEO Patrick Quinlan (Part 7) - Sramana Mitra

Sramana Mitra: What else have you done that is an interesting strategic move, whether it’s accelerators or inflection points in your business? Patrick Quinlan: You always learn from your failures...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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Habito, an app that helps you find the right mortgage, raises £18.5M Series B led by Atomico

 Habito, a London startup that is bringing the entire mortgage process online, has raised £18.5 million in Series B funding. Atomico, the European VC firm founded by Skype’s Niklas Zennström, led the round. Read More

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Running From Aspen to Basalt

September 2, 2017

I’m running my 25th marathon in South Dakota on 10/8/17. My training has been going well and I’m now in a zone of 30+ miles a week with a long run once a week in the high teens.

Today’s run from Aspen to Basalt was the best run I’ve had in over a year.

Just under a year ago, I did this same run in 4 hours. So, I’m in significantly better shape, which makes me happy since my October 2016 Marathon in Portland, Oregon was a debacle.

A three and a half hour run gives my brain plenty of roaming around time. I like to run naked (no headphones, no music) so the thoughts just drift around. My friend Matt Bencke was in my head a lot on this run. Houston and Hurricane Harvey floated around. The red mountains that I was surrounded by frequently caught my attention. I said hello to a bunch of cyclists and a few horses. Random company stuff made its way to the surface. I noticed lots of crawling bugs and scurrying animals. A bunch of jets flew overhead delivering people to Aspen for the weekend. I thought of Amy a lot.

On a run like this, I need more than two water bottles. I’ve been trying different running backpacks and finally found one I like – the Nathan VaporAir Race Vest. Yup – I’ve got a pile of others (from Camelback, Osprey, and Patagonia) all collecting dust in various closets. The Nathan VaporAir is a keeper.

In the photo above you can see Amy, in her Range Rover, waiting patiently for me at the end of my run (just after the bridge that crosses over 82.) She’s an amazing sherpa for my running, always bringing me a clean shirt, stuff to eat and drink, and transportation back to wherever I started. We went and got a pizza at New York Pizza in El Jebel before heading home. We’re on the couch watching Nadal vs. Mayer, Amy is knitting, and I’m typing.

Today is a day to treasure. Just like all of them, no matter what is going on.

Also published on Medium.

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Original author: Brad Feld

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Bootstrapping with Services: 2600Hz CEO Patrick Sullivan (Part 2) - Sramana Mitra

Patrick Sullivan: I worked in sales at Xerox. They have a world-class sales program. At the end of the day, I learned a ton about the business side. You get quite an education on how companies are...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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Funding your bliss: mindfulness startups scale up

 The connected life is not necessarily the good life. Too often, it seems like we are squandering our time checking devices, losing touch with fellow humans and cultivating bad habits in the pursuit of instant gratification. If only an app could fix that. Welcome to the world of mindfulness and wellness apps. Read More

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After Harvey, ignore the climate debate and focus on building better, more efficient cities

 In the intervening years since those storms, the nation has been continually pummeled by “historic” climatological events. While the country has been taking this beating from Mother Nature, the conversation in statehouses, city halls and Washington has been bogged down in a discussion about climate change. What causes it, what to do about it, and whose fault it is that… Read More

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10 of the most-funded startups to fail in 2017

 Startups rise and startups fall. 2017 has seen some prominent startups go under. What follows are 10 of the best-funded companies to close in the first nine months of 2017. Ultimately not all is lost. Experience is gained and lessons are learned. But as companies fall, more jump up in the spirit of entrepreneurship. Read More

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Navigating Through Multiple Pivots: Convercent CEO Patrick Quinlan (Part 6) - Sramana Mitra

Sramana Mitra: What happens in 2012? Patrick Quinlan: Going all the way back to Delta and to Rivet, there was this trend of finding something that existed. It didn’t need momentum. We were very good...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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Understanding Roku’s IPO and its growing platform revenues

 In a pleasant Friday surprise, Roku dropped its S-1 document today, detailing its financial performance and corporate strategy. The filing indicates that the company intends to raise $100 million in its debut. The figure is a widely-recognized placeholder number. The company could raise more or less in its IPO. Follow Crunchbase News on Twitter & Facebook As a private company,… Read More

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RIP Juicero, the $400 venture-backed juice machine

 It sounds like America’s favorite $400 juice machine will be no longer. “After selling over a million Produce Packs, we must let you know that we are suspending the sale of the Juicero Press and Produce Packs immediately,” reads the company blog post. Juicero will also be giving people money back. “For the next 90 days, we are offering refunds for your purchase of… Read More

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Bootstrapping with Services: 2600Hz CEO Patrick Sullivan (Part 1) - Sramana Mitra

Here’s yet another great case study of a successful bootstrapping whereby the entrepreneurs developed a solid product business eventually. Sramana Mitra: Let’s start at the very beginning of your...


Original author: Sramana Mitra

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  73 Hits
01 is a robot that can plan your schedule in Slack

 Ahoy, mateys! A Columbus, Ohio-based company called aims to schedule yer deck swabbing sessions with just one arrrrrmail or Slack. Ahoy is the brainchild of Jesse Rowe and Alex Ogorek. Rowe is a senior at OSU and this is his first company. He has raised $14,000 from a small fund in Ohio and is looking to expand his idea. “Majority of our competitors still involve back and… Read More

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  81 Hits

September 7 – 366th 1Mby1M Mentoring Roundtable for Entrepreneurs - Sramana Mitra

Entrepreneurs are invited to the 366th FREE online 1Mby1M mentoring roundtable on Thursday, September 7, 2017, at 8 a.m. PDT/11 a.m. EDT/8:30 p.m. India IST. If you are a serious entrepreneur,...


Original author: Maureen Kelly

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  72 Hits

365th Roundtable Recording on August 31, 2017: With Venktesh Shukla, TiE Angels - Sramana Mitra

In case you missed it, you can listen to the recording here [interview begins at 1:09:55]:


Original author: Maureen Kelly

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