10 things in tech you need to know today (FB)

WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange. Reuters Pictures

Good morning! Here is the tech news you need to know this Monday.

1. Aleksandr Kogan, whose quiz obtained millions of users' Facebook profiles for Cambridge Analytica, is considering suing Facebook for defamation. He admitted to violating Facebook's developer policies.

2. Google is under fire for trying to avoid the "spirit" of the law as it prepares for the EU's strict privacy regulation, GDPR. Google said it will act as a data controller under the new regulation, giving it more latitude with people's data.

3. UK health minister Jeremy Hunt wants to introduce new laws that protect children using social media. Hunt wants to do more to cut cyber-bullying and addiction, and promote healthy use of social media.

4. Florida detectives investigating a fatal police shooting went a funeral home to use the dead man's finger to unlock his phone. It didn't work.

5. WikiLeaks says cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has frozen its bitcoin account. Coinbase hasn't confirmed the suspension, and WikiLeaks is calling for a boycott of the exchange.

6. A secretive Israeli service called Terrogence used Facebook data to build a massive facial recognition database, according to Forbes. Both Terrogence and its owner Verint are contractors for the US government.

7. Iran's central bank has banned the country's banks from cryptocurrency trades. The ban is due to money laundering concerns as the country tries to halt a currency crisis.

8. Amazon expects groceries and household products to account for half its business in India next five years. The company hinted that it would bring AmazonFresh to the country.

9. Bill Gates and SoftBank have backed EarthNow, a satellite startup which provides livestreaming from almost anywhere on earth to smartphones and tablets. The footage could be used to track illegal fishing, animal migration patterns, or forest fires, EarthNow said.

10. A poll by the Independent has found that most British people think Facebook should be fined for the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Just 10% thought the firm shouldn't be fined.

Original author: Shona Ghosh

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