By iStartAdmin on Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Category: Technology

The company behind the 'party game for horrible people' bought a vacant plot of land on the Mexico border to stymie Trump's wall

Some of the prototypes for President Donald Trump's proposed wall along the US-Mexico border. Reuters/Mike Blake

The company behind Cards Against Humanity, the self-described "party game for horrible people," has purchased a plot of land on the US-Mexico border. The company's goal is to "make it as time-consuming and expensive as possible for [President Trump's border wall] to get built." It's part of the latest of the company's annual holiday season marketing stunts.

The company behind Cards Against Humanity, the self-described "party game for horrible people," has purchased a vacant plot of land on the US-Mexico border, just to get in the way of President Trump's planned wall. 

Cards Against Humanity harbors no illusions that it'll be able to stop the construction of the wall entirely. But the company has hired a law firm specializing in eminent domain, just "to make it as time-consuming and expensive as possible for the wall to get built," it said on a new website dubbed "Cards Against Humanity Saves America."

"Donald Trump is a preposterous golem who is afraid of Mexicans" the company said on the site. "He is so afraid that he wants to build a $20 billion wall that everyone knows will accomplish nothing."

The land purchase and the new website are actually part of the kickoff to the company's annual holiday season marketing stunt. This year, for $15, the company will send customers "six America-saving surprises right to your doorstep." The first of those surprises will include a map of the vacant plot on the border, some new cards for the game, and other goodies. 

"It will be fun, it will be weird, and if you voted for Trump, you might want to sit this one out," the company said on the new site.

Cards Against Humanity co-creator Max Temkin tells Business Insider that the land purchase designed to be a serious play to stop the border wall, which he describes as a "boondoggle" — for that, "we would need to win elections and hold political power," he says. "But we do think it's a funny protest, and possibly a delaying tactic."

In the hours since "Cards Against Humanity Saves America" went live, he says that there hasn't been too much pushback from the Trump supporters among the game's sizable audience: "Playing our game requires literacy and a sense of humor so there's not a lot of hardcore Trump fans in our fanbase," says Temkin.

Cards Against Humanity has a history of staging hilarious stunts during the holiday season. Last year, for example, it raised more than $100,000 in donations to finance the digging of a massive hole in the middle of nowhere, for no reason.

And this isn't the first time that Cards Against Humanity has turned to real estate for the sake of its holiday jokes. Three years ago, the company bought a private island off the coast of Maine, dubbed it Hawaii 2, and gave 250,000 customers a license to visit. Nowadays, Hawaii 2 is open to the general public for hiking or fishing. 

Cards Against Humanity co-creators Ben Hantoot, left, and Max Temkin Cards Against Humanity

And this isn't the first time the company has gotten political. This summer, it launched "Cards Against Humanity: For Her," a version of the game that was the same as the original but came in a pink box and cost $5 more. Profits from sales of that joke product went to Emily's List, a political action committee dedicated to getting more women elected to public office.

On its new Cards Against Humanity Saves America site, the company refuted the notion "it's politically correct now."

"We’re just being regular correct," the company said.

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Original author: Matt Weinberger