By iStartAdmin on Saturday, 13 October 2018
Category: Technology

Melania Trump responds to Donald Trump's fiery tweets in revealing interview

First Lady Melania Trump says she does not always see eye-to-eye with her husband, President Donald Trump, regarding his inflammatory posts on Twitter.

"I don't agree always what he posts, but his action is his action," Trump said during an interview with ABC News. "And I tell him that."

Trump, who is spearheading her "Be Best" initiative to "take responsibility and help our children manage the many issues they are facing today," acknowledged that her husband's rhetoric on Twitter vastly differs from her campaign's theme.

"And I know I will be hit with criticism talking about cyber bullying," Melania said. "But it will not stop me to do what is right."

The president has published a tweet nearly every day after taking office. Frequently, those message are meant to disparage political opponents, which sometimes include derisive nicknames.

Despite the stark contrast between the president's Twitter habits and Melania's anti-bullying initiative, she claimed that he did not try to stop her from launching her campaign.

"He didn't say not to do it, he's very tough on Twitter," Melania said. "But he understands that I want to help next generation and the children."

For her "Be Best" initiative, Melania partnered with the US Agency for International Development and made a solo trip to hospitals in Ghana, elementary schools in Malawi, and an elephant orphanage in Kenya.

"BE BEST will champion the many successful well-being programs that provide children with the tools and skills required for emotional, social, and physical health," a campaign statement said on its website.

"The campaign will also promote established organizations, programs, and people who are helping children overcome some of the issues they face growing up in the modern world."

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Original author: David Choi