By iStartAdmin on Monday, 20 April 2020
Category: Technology

Famed Silicon Valley investor Marc Andreessen says America failed in its pandemic response because it's forgotten how to build

Famed Silicon Valley investor Marc Andreessen has blamed US failures in dealing with the pandemic on its "widespread inability to build."Andreessen noted in a blogpost on Saturday that the US struggled to obtain medical equipment such as masks and gowns because manufacturing had been offshored to countries with cheap manual labor.Andreessen called for aggressive investment into new products and industries, saying that the price of building housing, schools, and hospitals needed to drop.But critics noted Andreessen's venture capital firm, Andreessen Horowitz, has funded software giants such as Facebook and should take some responsibility for an America where physical manufacturing is seen as less valuable.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Marc Andreessen, cofounder of Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, has blamed America's failures during the pandemic on its "widespread inability to build."

The US is among the worst impacted countries globally by the coronavirus pandemic, with nearly 800,000 cases and more than 14,000 deaths. The Trump administration has drawn criticism for its flailing response, with Trump initially downplaying the threat of the virus, then promoting unproven drugs, then spreading misinformation about the availability of tests.

Andreessen notes shortages of personal protective equipment such as masks, ICUs, and ventilators, and blamed this on US reliance on sourcing goods from countries where labor is cheap. He doesn't explicitly mention China or any other Asian country, though this is where several US states are sourcing masks from.

Andreessen wrote: "Every Western institution was unprepared for the coronavirus pandemic, despite many prior warnings. 

"Part of the problem is clearly foresight, a failure of imagination. But the other part of the problem is what we didn't *do* in advance, and what we're failing to do now. And that is a failure of action, and specifically our widespread inability to *build*."

He continued: "You don't just see this smug complacency, this satisfaction with the status quo and the unwillingness to build, in the pandemic, or in healthcare generally. You see it throughout Western life, and specifically throughout American life."

The complacency, he claimed, runs to housing, with the US unable to build housing fast enough in super-innovative cities like San Francisco. It also affects education, manufacturing, and transportation. "Where are the high-speed trains, the soaring monorails, the hyperloops, and yes, the flying cars?" he wrote.

Apart from American inertia, Andreessen claimed, some of the blame lies in "regulatory capture", where the government is operating in favor of big incumbents rather than the consumer.

He called for more aggressive investment in new products, industries, and science, especially from the right.

He wrote: "Our forefathers and foremothers built roads and trains, farms and factories, then the computer, the microchip, the smartphone, and uncounted thousands of other things that we now take for granted, that are all around us, that define our lives and provide for our well-being.

"There is only one way to honor their legacy and to create the future we want for our own children and grandchildren, and that's to build."

While Andreessen's post was widely shared on Twitter, his detractors noted that this was the same man who famously coined the phrase "Software is eating the world" — an apparent contradiction to his vision of an America that gets better at building physical goods. Andreessen Horowitz, like many other successful venture capital firms, has largely funded software firms such as Facebook, Zynga, Slack, and Instagram.

Andreessen is simultaneously lauded and controversial. He stepped back from Twitter in 2016, when he also landed in hot water for comments suggesting anti-colonialism had been bad for India. Andreessen has also apparently shown a growing interest in figures from the alt-right, recommending books from provocateur Douglas Murray and Canadian professor Jordan Peterson, and liking tweets from alt-right commentator Mike Cernovich.

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Original author: Shona Ghosh