By iStartAdmin on Sunday, 19 April 2020
Category: Technology

A timeline to normality, stock market exuberance, and a C-Suite reading list


The White House this week released a plan to open up the country, and just yesterday hundreds crowded newly reopened beaches in Florida. In Europe, six countries are starting to lift restrictions, including Spain and Italy. 

But, as Insider global editor-in-chief Nich Carlson writes here, a return to any sense of normality is likely a long way off, as the world awaits immunity testing, an effective treatment, and a vaccine. Here's the latest:

Immunity testing

An effective treatment

The stock market popped on Friday after it was reported that remdesivir, an antiviral drug from Gilead, had seen promising results. Andrew Dunn reported:

The reporters Adam Feuerstein and Matthew Herper wrote Thursday for STAT that a leaked video recording showed University of Chicago doctors describing positive outcomes for the vast majority of a small group of COVID-19 patients who took the antiviral drug, called remdesivir.

But as Andrew explained, biotech analysts are urging caution on the latest data. From Andrew's story:

The UBS analyst Navin Jacob cautioned that the University of Chicago trial represented about 3% of Gilead's clinical-trial program. While Jacob said he was "encouraged" by the report, he also noted "many caveats" given the lack of a control group and no detailed data on how healthy or sick the patients were.

You can read the story in full here:

Not 'a zero' or 'a silver bullet': Biotech analysts are urging caution on the latest data on Gilead's coronavirus drug as stocks surge

A vaccine

As for a vaccine, lots of folks have been talking about an 18-month timeline.  But Andrew reported that SVB Leerink analyst Geoffrey Porges thinks there's a less than 20% chance that we will have a widely available vaccine that is proven effective in 2021.

"No one's done all those pieces and then said 18 months," Porges said. "They've just effectively taken Tony Fauci's 'not for 18 months,' and that's become gospel."

You can read the story here:

A top Wall Street analyst is 'deeply skeptical' of Anthony Fauci's 18-month timeline for a coronavirus vaccine. He told us there's only a 50% chance we'll have one by 2023.

Lastly, Morgan Stanley researchers this week released their own timeline for how they think all of the above will come together. You can read more on that here:

Morgan Stanley just released a comprehensive timeline of the coronavirus outbreak. Here's when analysts think the US will increase testing, get a vaccine, and finally return to work.

And in related news, Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman, who had coronavirus, this week explained how he's thinking about getting people back into the office safely.

Stock market exuberance

The Dow surged on Friday, locking in the second straight week of stock market gains. That's even as US weekly jobless claims hit 5.2 million, wiping out all jobs created since the Great Recession in just four weeks. That dichotomy has some questioning whether the stock market has gotten ahead of reality. For example:

Business Insider

C-Suite reading list

Martin Coulter reports: 

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses all around the world to shut down their offices and tell employees to work from home. 

Amazon, Facebook, and Google are just a few of the biggest companies to close down their offices all around the world, forcing senior executives to strategize the future of their firms while relying on video-calls and text messages. 

Perlego – an online library startup dubbed the "Spotify of textbooks"– has analyzed the most popular books ordered by more than 600 C-suite executives using its platform. 

Titles include bestsellers by the likes of Nike cofounder Phil Knight, Nobel Prize-winning economist Jean Tirole and Ben Horowitz, one of the best-known investors in Silicon Valley. 

You can read his story here: 

Here are the 20 economics, self-help, and strategy books C-suite execs are reading right now to get their firms through COVID-19

Below are headlines on some of the stories you might have missed from the past week. Stay safe, everyone.

-- Matt

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Original author: Matt Turner